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Everything posted by DallasSooner

  1. Little sliced brisket from Sunbird yesterday.
  2. Some of these joints stretching the profit margin as far as it will stretch. At some point customers will say no.
  3. I'm not sure you are supposed to go to brisket and rice and not get rice. Just seems wrong.
  4. That's a good article and a reminder of how quick this world can end. Be kind, mend fences and don't forget to tell people you love them. RIP to the Mueller family.
  5. What the hell man. Her and John both died so young. Just insanely sad for that family.
  6. So is the LA BBQ post about first lesbian owned BBQ joint or whatever a reminder since Barb's is opening? Also Barb's BBQ prices are insane in a world where BBQ prices are already insane.
  7. Some of the lengths towns and cities will go to against businesses is amazing. Now if you serving a concession stand at a basketball game, sell whatever you want and nobody will care, city doesnt get involved, etc. But man food trucks and trailers really go under a lot of scrutiny.
  8. I ain't got Pappadeaux money!
  9. Look. I just want this in my life.
  10. Honestly in thost parameters there isn't much over in that area. Mid day mid week is hard. Oak'd BBQ just opened a new location in Addison www.oakdbbq.com or there is a location of Loro in Addison also.
  11. Who's good at this? I wanna make them. Struggle getting the bacon cooked without overcooking shrimps. I know you need to precook bacon (five mins or so in oven) let it cool then wrap shrimps. Do you cook them in the oven for best result? I've always tried grilling them. Thoughts from the experts?
  12. Sorry, I'm gonna need a safety rail.
  13. I'd like that green bean recipe. Those look fire.
  14. I need some big thermometes for my offset. Is Tel-Tru still the leader in that category? I have two on it but I would like to add two more.
  15. he got married too. Maybe he needed something that was less hours? Not sure.
  16. I have one and it works great. They run them on sale from time to time for like $45.
  17. Good people too. Stephen is as nice a guy as there is in Texas BBQ. Love the swamp fries (get a half order) and some other cool stuff. Also if you've never been to Jefferson that's a cool ass little town of antique shops and a cool old school General Store which is worth 15 mins of your time. All walking distance on the little town square. https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/josephs-riverport-barbecue-jefferson?select=UJhhd8bm-ETMSKucXGXbog I love ribs and catfish and you can get it in Jefferson. He runs a nice place.
  18. Edge Craft in OKC Phat Tabbs in Idabel Wrights BBQ in Fayetteville, Arkansas area All doing Texas style pretty well. But as a rule you'd be smart not to order sliced brisket outside of the locations you know can deliver deliver the goods.
  19. I wish I had that sign. John used to talk to me on twitter a lot, always treated me good. I know he had his enemies for a lot of good reasons I'm sure. I miss our interactions.
  20. For her to run the kind of business she laying out there in that article she would have to be getting free rent. No way it works financially. Now if she has someone who likes her story and her spin on BBQ life and says hey I got a space and you can come use it I can see this working. I can't imagine any other way you can run a bbq business one day a week and make it pay rent on a downtown business any where these days.
  21. Look i'm wrong all the time and probably will be in this case, but it just sounds strange. One day a week and some vegan sausages. Good luck with all of that!
  22. Not BBQ exactly but cool none the less. https://www.texasmonthly.com/bbq/uptown-sports-club-preview-austin/
  23. I want to make green beans like they have at The Pit Room in Houston. Do you guys think they par cook their green beans then finish them on the flat top or just cook them the whole way on the flat top? https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/the-pit-room-houston?select=CFxBdS3Pm4oSMGisOhCPBA https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/the-pit-room-houston?select=Emz_4k5vFPIfvIm4DHATqA
  24. When you set up your serving line put the sides and stuff first and your meat last so they don't have an empty plate to load a bunch of meat on. They fill their plate with sides then get some meat at the end. That will help your meat last longer. Good luck!
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