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Everything posted by Kavinsky

  1. No, we're all bull queers on surly
  2. My great aunt just asked if my nephew was still enlisted in the Navy, he's 12.
  3. Two virgin dudes cruising on their bikes in the short sleeves and ties. They roll up to an illustrious cartel mansion. The doorbell rings, "buenos dias senor, may I have a moment of your time discus our lord & savior, Heckler & Koch? At that moment the mormons whip out suppressed MP5s and lay waste to everything, clearing the mansion room to room. Killing everything in sight. FUCK YEAH I'd watch that. Where's the crowdfund page?
  4. So a "Clinton informant" suicide?
  5. Cue the heebie-geebies theme!
  6. My fears have come to fruition, I just shit my pants at work. I took my routine late morning dump at about 10:00 thus the ROE was "weapons free". I took advantage of the brisk cold front that blew in last night to step out of the office and fire off a few salvos into that stiff northern wind. It was at the tail end of a triumphant 14 second rattling apreggio when I heard and felt the pitch shift from Sahara to Louisiana. I waddled my way to the men's room and sure enough, the back of my drawers had been peppered with chocolate bird shot. Now I'm stuck on the toilet with no skivvies and an itchy asshole, how's your Friday going?
  7. I guess my old man was right, I am a lazy son of a bitch
  8. What a beautiful crisp, 97 degree October afternoon.
  9. Play media Donald Rumsfeld meets Saddām on 19–20 December 1983. Rumsfeld visited again on 24 March 1984, the day the UN reported that Iraq had used mustard gas and tabun nerve agent against Iranian troops. The NY Times reported from Baghdad on 29 March 1984, that "American diplomats pronounce themselves satisfied with Iraq and the U.S., and suggest that normal diplomatic ties have been established in all but name."[26] The full extent of these covert transfers is not yet known. Teicher's files on the subject are held securely at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and many other Reagan Era documents that could help shine new light on the subject remain classified. Teicher declined to discuss details of the affidavit with the Washington Post shortly before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[29] We didn't learn after lend/leasing t-34s to Ivan and we sure as shit didn't think of the repercussions of aiding Iraq in their scuffle with Iran and the Mujahedeen vs Ivan. "Enemy of my enemy" shouldn't be a qualifier for military aid.
  10. Several complaints to HR citing "an unrelenting barrage of flatulence coupled by a nauseous miasma from Kavinsky's cubicle"
  11. That's the same expression I have when I step out of my office at 6:00 and unleash the salvo of farts I've built up all afternoon
  12. Its not out of the realm of possibility that the cops killed the guy but I'd wait until the dust has settled a little but before signing it off as a DPD hit. Either way, the feds need to investigate this one
  13. Fuck you lubbock & amarillo
  14. We all know that all dogs go to heaven, cats on the other hand...
  15. Username checks out
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