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Everything posted by Kavinsky

  1. No. But I think I've got a few Hustlers that I intercepted from the Senator's mail room if you don't mind a few pages stuck together. (As tradition, Larry Flint mails an issue to each member of Congress)
  2. Story time. I interned on the Hill my soph year of college. One of my roommates interned for Sheila Jackson Lee. Following elections, all the house offices scramble to find a better office with outgoing members leaving offices to open up. My roommate was tasked with cleaning out SJL's office and found her diaphragm.
  3. Its not a wall we need, but a moat
  4. Faulkner would have written you in as another Benjy Compson
  5. Son of Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker?
  6. Lights out muthafucka!
  7. Weeman tosses another one. Eat a dick you sooner fucks
  8. Wife came home from work with the exact same story. Her boss's daughters friend works at the water Dept or some Bs. Sounds like bullshit to me
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