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Everything posted by YeeYeeCTE

  1. This is my shirt today
  2. Got negged for being right and hurting fee fees
  3. I used to hate him, and then I realized how much of a meme show he is, now I’m on the Lane Train. If you haven’t seen it you should look up the Tosh.0 skit called “Kiffin’s Krimson Korner”
  4. Yurcich at penn state is exciting, I expect them to do a lot better than last year
  5. I’ll go down there and measure it in 4 inch increments for obvious reasons, and tell you how many units across they are
  6. What in the fuck.
  7. Look again. It is a fixed-width font.
  8. I’m in college lol
  9. That’s bound to happen, and anyone expecting a championship performance 24/7 is drinking too much kool-aid. I remember the young mistakes Ehlinger made early, against OSU and to a lesser extent USC. The insane sophomore performance Sam put out made all of those freshman head scratchers worth it
  10. Need me to post my UT shit bro? Maybe some tickets? You guys are the ones acting like aggies ignoring the simple reality that the fucking goalpost is off by about 2 1/2 feet and it looks bad. Anyone who thinks that shit is aligned is full of it.
  11. The goal post isn’t even centered with the fucking H in the endzone. L O N G H O R N S Guess where the fucking center of that is you god damned Neanderthal. The goal post is aligned with the fucking side of the H, how does that make any fucking sense numbnuts.
  12. The kids now don’t use possessives when talking. When he says “this girl mom”, he means “this girl’s mom”
  13. I’m not a gaggie bro. I wouldn’t even be posting shit about the alignment if there weren’t people in here denying the blatant issues with the goal post, gaslighting other posters
  14. I’m sure they’re researching the best way to impregnate sheep
  15. I like how they just put college station on there. Lmao. Like no one would notice.
  16. If I buy VIP will you stroke out and stop being a little bitch
  17. It’s just straight up frustrating to see the shit off-centered and then people act like it’s not. The new stadium addition looks amazing, how fucking hard is it to move the goalpost (literally) to the fucking right by 2 feet
  18. Other Orange team bad
  19. Good strong thighs are appreciated in the German populated Midwest
  20. I fucking love Sam. Holy shit dude, if he starts some games I’ll get an Ehlinger colts jersey to match my Texas one. Holy shit dude, we couldn’t have had a better representative for this university. God bless you, Sam.
  21. Did the colts just pick up every Texas player possible lmfao
  22. My man is in the endzone. Let’s see him get the dub and shut up some chat board nerds Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  23. Insane drive by Ehlinger right now. Beautiful catch by that dude, sucks he’s injured
  24. Holton hill plays for the colts?
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