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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. Busy day at work. Missed the release and then it fell off my Twitter feed.
  2. Might contribute to some other regional decreases in fuel supply here.
  3. Given the supply chain situation, this seems inflationary.
  4. Also the see post above yours. Or this longer copy of the testimony.
  5. I think you’re wrong here. There’s a lot of intermingled family politics that I wasn’t aware of. One extended family is basically running poInt on this. https://kenoshacountyeye.com/2021/11/02/opinion-kenosha-mayor-who-let-city-burn-has-surrogate-in-rittenhouse-courtroom/ I can’t vouch for any of the commentary, but the family connections are interesting as is the DA passing on trying such a high profile case personally.
  6. Wife sent me this one
  7. Yeah I got chastised on CR for making fun of skateboard guy. Unless you’re Jason Bourne, attacking a guy holding an AR with your skateboard is 99% of the time going to end up in serious injury or death. What an absolute dumbass.
  8. Head of macro at Fidelity. Get out of bonds.
  9. Interesting story here
  10. Let’s see how far they can get
  11. In Texas at least that’s all about the border. Here’s his main ad. The border is basically the worst polling issue for Biden. His approval rating on this abc poll for the border situation is 31%. It has a downstream effect
  12. I own some gbtc only because it was the best available option in my 401k. If your money is in gbtc in an account that you can withdraw from, then it definitely makes sense to pull the money out and just by the coin. It's similar to a closed exchange fund. Those typically trade with small discounts, like single digits. Given the other etf options available now, I don't think it gets back to par unless it's switched over to an etf. Grayscale has applied for that to happen. If/when TBD. All that being said, if btc goes 2-4x from here then gbtc will pump as well.
  13. Let your winners ride.
  14. This is a good summation of this thread.
  15. Under this cloud. Powell on the way out? Have to think replacement will be more dovish. Otherwise why change?
  16. Shots had already been fired at the point of the skateboard guy getting involved. So yeah it reached the level of gun fight at the point he got involved. Not sure what you don’t understand about that.
  17. Horrible situation that night. He will be acquitted. The dumbest guy in all this was the one who brought a skateboard to a gun fight. The definition of FAFO
  18. From the oil baron thread. Oil demand all the way back. I guess this is why we’re going around begging people to pump more.
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