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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. What Twice said. Transfer title to kid and have them get their own insurance to avoid negligent entrustment cause of action. Otherwise it's highly unlikely negligence could be extended to parent.
  2. And what are their favorite flavors of donuts?
  3. I think a number of state Attorneys General are not participating in the deal and are challenging the bankruptcy, so they may not be out of the woods.
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Joe should slow down. He sounds gibberish when he speaks so fast trying to fit all his points in.
  6. No.
  7. Yep. Watched the first couple episodes of Season 1 and thought meh. Watched the first two episodes of S2 and couldn't stop laughing.
  8. I said the reviews made a fair point about no discussion of the costs involved. You respond that I said "everything...has to be replicated by the poors". Did you go to Texas?
  9. I'd like to see it for the great transformation of the land. But a lot of reviews raise a fair point that the absence of any discussion of budgets and expenses makes it seem a bit contrived and privileged.
  10. That was cathartic.
  11. In the event Warren wins the nomination, who would make the most sense in the general as a VP? I like the idea of Buttigieg because then you have two highly intelligent and educated people standing in contrast to the idiocy of Trump. But would two white people on the ticket suppress minority enthusiasm when there were solid minority options like Harris, Booker, and Castro available?
  12. The hard metal font of their currency rocks!
  13. Yep. Well done sir.
  14. One of the great American Jazz musicians. I used to watch him play small venues all around San Antonio. He played six nights a week in venues with very small crowds. He obviously played for the love of the music. He deserves more than a quick post on Surly.
  15. Go Utes!
  16. I would add Tulsi and Bernie to your list and say I'd rather see Buttigeig that the rest of that group because he's obviously the smartest person in the field and the future of the party.
  17. Goddamn you're a beating.
  18. I don't understand black and white only people. Let's employ some nuance please. Yes Comey was a self-indulgent piece of shit for how he handled the Hillary emails. On the other hand he was correct in releasing the Trump memos and exposing extreme corruption in the executive branch. People are complex and capable of doing both good and bad things. The IG is wrong in chastising Comey for not "taking other appropriate avenues" to address Trump's corruption. What are those other avenues IG Horowitz? Going to Rosenstein? To Sessions? To Trump? He had no other legitimate avenues to expose Trump's behavior other than releasing the memos to the public. Most of the legal analysis I've read online supports this view.
  19. Exactly. Right wing nationalists in America want us to help the UK because if Brexit fails, it demonstrates that right wing nationalism is not a functioning ideology. The farmers, coal miners, etc... in the U.S. that supported Trump and the GOP are learning that hard lesson now. We should in no way subsidize and enable that ideology by interfering with the market place doing its thing and applying its punishment. They made their bed.
  20. Why the hell didn't the parents hide the keys if he did the same thing days before?
  21. Uncle?
  22. Their backup sure looks a lot better than Murray.
  23. I don't know what the fuck is happening, but I laughed out loud more with this thread than any I've read in months.
  24. Yep. 15 seconds for a response is stupid.
  25. Never heard of it. Good to know.
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