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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. Drunk is the only way to be right now.
  2. Tell me about it.
  3. I liked that he pressured China to. Not how did it. But China are fucking assholes too. I don't mean to attack you. I just fucking despise Trump and anything that seems to justify anything he does I despise. And I'm pretty drunk on homemade margaritas.
  4. It's Trump that hates the middle class and poor. And you constantly advocate for him.
  5. Fair enough. I'm just really sour on Trump apologists.
  6. The fact that you're not an educated Texas graduate is reflected in your posts.
  7. She seems like a good VP option.
  8. Would that be a good idea? If they had remote voting, sure. But now?
  9. Sounds like an asshole.
  10. I'm in a weird position in that I'm a commercial landlord in downtown SA. I've deferred the rent for April for a number of small tenants in a warehouse I converted into office/retail suites. I have two tenants that occupy four suites, one a coffee shop cafe with a beer/wine license that is under construction (about 90% complete) and has two combined suites and the other an upscale bar (full liquor license) that has two combined suites, with each business having about 2,800 sq ft. I've deferred their rent for April and would probably do the same for May because I'd like them to be successful and keep paying rent. But I can't keep doing that indefinitely with my note, taxes, and building maintenance I need to pay. So I'm game planning for the event that either or both decide to throw in the towel and how to handle that. I'm not one to sue for all rent due and that kind of thing. If a business fails, I let them out of their lease as long as they leave the space as is and don't remove fixtures so the space can be re-leased as the same type of business. I have enough savings to carry my expenses for a year or so. So one option is I can try to find same the type of tenants to take over those suites. As one is fully built out and the other nearly built out, this may be a good option. But I'm wondering if it makes sense to just take over those businesses myself and hire managers etc..to run them on some kind of profit sharing model so I don't have to outlay cash. In good times I think both businesses could be very lucrative and produce revenue way beyond the rents. The area around is/was booming with new apartment and office buildings. I prefer passive income to being directly involved in businesses, but this economic environment may force my hand. Anyways, just thinking out loud about how to handle this mess.
  11. In her tweet: #BernieIsOurFDR. That just screams credibility. And I've seen on twitter she repeatedly supported Biden over the last 30 years and has recently expressed a strong affinity for Putin. You consider this a credible allegation?
  12. They usually go up for presidents in times of tragedy. But the large numbers of deaths and true havoc in our economy have just begun. Let's see where he's at in a month. And ask GHWB how his sky high ratings during the gulf war worked out for him during the recession in 1992.
  13. Yep. Great ad. So simple yet powerful. Thank you Trump Campaign for giving it so much free publicity. And now networks can air it as news without fear of legal retribution.
  14. The flagship university of Louisiana. Amazing.
  15. Marginally better?
  16. Yep, from Roadmap Brewery in San Antonio. I think it was a crowler, 32 oz. They didn't have drafts to go.
  17. Indeed. I fucking hate how they sanitize the pure evil and incompetence of Trump and Republicans.
  18. This is why you lose elections. Staring down the great depression but let's put that shit in there. Both of these parties will kill us all. Do we know if it's true?
  19. You do realize this is how stupid people think, right? Everyone is just as biased as me and my news sources, both sides! No, there are objective verifiable truths. Breitbart, Fox, et al verifiably lie all the time. The NYT is not perfect, but it bats about .950 while your sources bat about .025. You think because they both have misses that they're equal. That's because you're a moron that doesn't understand degrees of difference.
  20. I don't know shit about the stock market, but isn't the point of the Fed's actions to provide businesses access to money as opposed to just temporarily prop up the stock market? In other words, is the level of the stock market at any given time a fair or accurate measure of the success of their actions?
  21. I just don't get what you are getting out of these snipes at Biden. We get it, he has deficiencies and you don't like him. He was probably my 6th or 7th choice and I agree he has real deficiencies. But barring him having health issues the next few months, he's our nominee whether we like it or not. So what's the point of constantly attacking him at this stage?
  22. Jesus man, give it a fucking rest.
  23. Yep. I just installed one in my parents' house. Whether they'll use it is another question.
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