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Everything posted by CptnJiggleBits

  1. When the fucking pylon camera gets smashed by the football and the body is in the air it is a fucking td!!
  2. Same pylon Ricky got screwed on Zach Thomas truckin
  3. I didn't think Moore was tracking it/ had it spotted while in the air but damn glad to be wrong.
  4. Damn it we started suckin each others dicks too soon again. Just fuckin win Horns and have endless ass ripping teaching points for the next two weeks.
  5. Correct. Pinch.and that shit ain't funny johntay
  6. Kiffin seemed far from poised/calm at the half
  7. Respect for your dripping catching That's last weeks. This week's won't be ready til late tonight. Munch on fajita and sirloin til then
  8. They're happy. Cheers to an ass kicking today and then another Quinn's first game back from injury 49-0 ass kicking of Ou in 2 weeks
  9. Pretty dang excellent. Gonna rewatch right now. Great character development. Really like the wit, smarts, and motivation of Oz. Heck one episode in and I'm pulling like hell for the bad guy. Digging the physco daughter too. Gonna be hard to wait week to week but hey I'm happy there is finally something good on worth watching. As everyone has said Colin Farrell nailing it and should clean up on awards
  10. Heeey!!! He just said it's gonna be a rollercoaster ride!!!!🤣 No shit🤣🤣🤣
  11. They didn't even let me talk about the Falcons being sec ready
  12. Yaaa, they cut captain brisket once I started rollercoaster and elko body talk
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