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Everything posted by CptnJiggleBits

  1. What time was it? I'll rewind and track down these warlocks
  2. I agree. He's not bringing in top talent or developing. S&C is lacking. Who should we look to next?
  3. Can we haz a TCUv Oregon Alamo bowl please? I guess Bob curing dick cancer is a win win for erbody. Certainly know why he is motivated to do so. Just get me to Baseball season baby Jesus
  4. Cant help but say #33's name, Ohroruho, in a Scooby Doo voice.
  6. That one poor girl is balding and has hairy pits. Maybe a hair transplant is in order?
  7. Official left the chain slack when measuring that first down
  8. I'm in favor of more band and crowd shots. Snoozer game
  9. More than one aggy yell leader transfer
  10. AHHH!!! THIS DAMN RASH ITCHY!!!! YEEOOOW!!! 20211228_201001.mp4
  11. With the way today unfolded I am convinced that if I were to fire my .45 against my head the bullet would simply ricochet, blow my dick off, and then kill my dog. So,, with this logic, I guess I'm invincible. Sooo, I've got that going for me,, which is nice.
  12. Hmmmm? Are the horns centered? Is that true burnt orange? Discuss😁
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