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  1. Oh for fucks sake, Leavitt did NOT outplay QE.
  2. Get yelled at by a CV surgeon for asking him a legitimate question during a pump run.
  3. QE had 4 TDs and 100 yds more passing. To say he outplayed Leavitt is an understatement.
  4. that said, I’d suck a fart out of her ass, hold it like a bong rip, and then snowball it into her mouth.
  5. That guy played great. Nothing but respect from me. now, the cunt (#44) who tried to injure Helm late? Fuck him
  6. Jesse Palmer questioning who the PI was against on the long pass to Skatterboo. Sweet Tiddy Fucking Petunia. What a simpleton fuckhead
  7. The 3 straight pass plays under 2 Min were my main gripe today. Oh, and the insistence with the outside zone when it wasn’t working at all. pretty small complaints given the win.
  8. Can’t decide which was worse, Moore’s inexplicable choice or Sark choosing to throw it 3x after the 2 minute warning. seriously, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK
  9. Fuck that. Idaho is awesome. I wish I could convince my wife to move to Idaho Falls. I’d go TOMORROW.
  10. I didn’t say I’m out a luck, I said she tries to deny she promised.
  11. I hunt hogs at night. It fuckin happens all the time. 😭
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