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Posts posted by lilMAC25

  1. 10 minutes ago, Jimbob said:

    He’s 50-38 overall, 29 of those games were decided by one score or less.

    His record is 15-14 in one score games.  He turtles a lot.  
    his point differential in losses is -645 points, an average loss of 17 points.  With 14 of those losses being one score or less, several of the other losses were blowouts.

    24-53 @ ASU, 21-52 @ Oregon, 17-52 @ zona, 3-41 @ LSU, 40-17 @ USC, 21-65 @ Stanford,16-53 @ Oregon,  0-41 vs Stanford, 14-44 @ zona, 21-56 vs Nebraska, 21-48 @ Beaver, 19-43 vs Oregon....  there is a trend there, not hard to spot  

    He’s finished once at 25 and once at 20 in the AP.   He has a track record of beating up patsies and Colorado, his biggest win by margin against on ok team was maybe #19 Cal his first year at UW 42-10.  If you dive into his record and really look, it’s pretty meh.  

    Hes 10-21 against ranked teams.  

    Prepare to be negged into Bolivia by the echo chamber that is Surly.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. On 10/18/2021 at 6:26 AM, ConferenceRoom said:

    Michael Irvin during the NFL Network's pregame show said that the Cowboys were going to have to win a dirty game and everyone else couldn't figure out what the hell he meant. Well, now they know. 

    The only dirty part was the refs and our self inflicted wounds (turnovers and not converting 4th downs).

  3. 16 hours ago, Pam Cummings said:

    I understand call in radio shows and that everyone does it. Like i said, Sark does one too with Craig Way. So then why a film breakdown show with a jagoff host on top of it? Put the fucking Craig Way radio show on LHN and do away with the film breakdown show.


    Why else would Urban turn down this job to go do the dumpster fire shit show in Jacksonville? Because this place wasn't willing to give him enough control.

    LHN isn’t why Urban turned down Texas. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 11 hours ago, futureman said:

    you still hanging from the noose about sark? you’re the biggest pussy on surly. 

    There you go again being hilariously wrong.


    I simply pointed to Sark’s career HC record. I didn’t call for him to be fired. I didn’t rant. I just pointed out his career record always been that way. If he turns it around, I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong.

    You are the one who has hung himself by ignoring Dak’s production and claiming it isn’t relevant.

    You are the one who is still claiming that the safety didn’t have any responsibility in the the play, when it’s clear as fuck that Diggs expected over the top help and the safety missed the tackle AND the ball.

    I don’t think I’ve seen you be correct about anything in a few years, and you’re too stubborn or stupid (probably both) to admit it.

  5. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    I think Urban Meyer is an absolute shitheel. I would also take him before he could finish completing his acceptance sentence. On a bullet. On Aaron Hernandez's bullet. And give me some fucking scandal while we're at it. The lily white level of pomp and propriety with which many patrician motherfuckers continue to think of the Texas athletics programs needs to be softened. Fuck it.

    Whenever Sarkisian is inevitably shown the door, whether it's soon after he disappears for a week midseason or in a couple of years after posting 3-4 consecutive 7-6 seasons, I'll still be happy to see them sign a fully scandalized Urban Meyer at 60 years of age. Adding to the glorious prospect of winning multiple national titles and recruiting like the fucking program should recruit, it will be awesome to watch a bunch of you hillbillies cybersob about it on this board. 

    Of course, I'm sure they won't go after him, so I'm actually prepared to get on the Texas Offseason 2024 thread and cheer on whatever new mediocrity they hire until he shits himself a couple of times that September while the board decries roster depth and talent due to the Mack Brown era, I mean, the Charlie Strong era, I mean the Tom Herman era ... no, that still isn't right ... oh yeah, the Steve Sarkisian era.

    Huh… I got negged like a stuck up college chick at the bar on Jersey Shore when I said something similar to the bottom 2/3 of this posts.


    of course, I wasn’t nearly as eloquent.

  6. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    I do not give a flying fuck about how much side trim the HC at Texas is pulling. I despise Tom Herman and told the board as much starting when the guy was rumored to be the guy, and I still thought "good for him" when the rumors about Kendra Scott surfaced. I think Charlie Strong was the worst coach in Texas history and I don't think he was "a great guy", but when I read up on him being named as the Other Man in a divorce lawsuit between a hot ass Louisville booster and her husband, I thought "fuck yeah, Chuckles, go get it". 

    I don't condone adultery, but I don't give a shit that the HC at Texas is pulling wool. Barry Switzer is the fucking devil and I would go out of my way to risk my own life in order to take his if I was driving by and saw him walking next to a cliff. The guy fucked one of his coordinator's wives while they were all at the same hotel in Miami for the Orange Bowl. He's just a human trash heap. He also won fucking titles. Nick Saban feeds off of the blood of young orphans in order to stay young. Jimmy Johnson would fuck your mother and sister and you would still sign with that fucking guy. They won titles and in the end, that's what they're all going to remembered for by the CFB masses and media.

    I don't give a shit if a HC at Texas fucks the cheerleading squad, denies The Holocaust and swears allegiance to The Taliban. If the motherfucker is winning titles and running over OU, Arkansas and ATM in the process, I'll be organizing his ticker tape parades. The last 12 years have shown me where the line is actually drawn for me as a fan. Baylor and Penn State are on the other side of that line, but it turns out that Urban Meyer isn't. To each their own though.

    Clap Yes GIF





    are you the same CTJ from Hornfans?

  7. 20 hours ago, Lobo said:

    By "program", do you mean that young blonde's crotchal region?  

    Did he really call her mom and grandparents?  

    The story is that his WIFE called them.

    I’m not saying she isn’t crazy, but I am saying I understand trying to defend her (rapidly fracturing) relationship.

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