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Posts posted by lilMAC25

  1. 1 hour ago, westexhorn said:

    can you find out more about the S/C program?  Do they do different training for different groups (i.e. trenches vs skill players)

    I’ll ask when I talk to him again. I want to say yes, but I can’t recall 100%. Lots of no sleep nights (due to my career) since Sark hired the guy and I discussed it with my friend.


    He said his son absolutely loved working with the guy. Said it was physically hell, but built them as a unit and team.

  2. 6 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    LOL this.

    It's frankly just amusing AF that anyone thinks Big 12 refs were somehow in the bag for us at any point. I'd venture guess we've been fucked over by incompetent officiating more times than most.  That's what happens when you're a mediocre team - you get fucked by incompetent refs because your margin for error is tiny.


    Just because they aren’t “for OkSt” doesn’t mean they aren’t “against Texas”.



     ETA: yes, it’s a double negative, but I did 2 hearts today and I’m too tired to figure it out. Season 2 Whatever GIF by Paramount+

  3. 37 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    The potential impact to recruiting when combined with the aggie win. We'll see how that plays out. 

    That has the possibility of having a HUGE effect.


    23 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    what changed:

    - the game we thought would have the least fuckery (because we are both leaving) turned out to have the most fuckery so those left behind can cash in one last time on 0u inflation

    - instead of just a few people here and there, sark now knows he has to portal in as much academically eligible beef as possible from wherever it can be found

    what didn't change:

    - way too many people cashing in wins that haven't occurred yet, including in this very thread

    - people falling for the banana in the tailpipe

    - people believing in and espousing the idea that freshman beef can "come in and make an impact" - when was the last time that happened here?


    Uh, Xavier Worthy?



    but I understand your point completely

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