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Posts posted by lilMAC25

  1. 11 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      I don't neg posts. If I don't like it I either write a response or move on. As for the others on here, I cannot be responsible for what they do, but you brought that on yourself by making the post in the first place.


    But you can call those fuckers out, and you haven’t. Which is a bitch move. Congrats on being a bitch.

    • Fuck You 2
  2. 6 hours ago, Thatguy said:


       Where to begin.......... where to begin? First off, @lilMAC25 is a bitch for starting this thread. We will start with that!

       Second, let's got to where we were coming into this season. We couldn't generate a pass rush, and our O-line was questionable at best.


       Offense- I think it was @Vic Mackey that was complaining about us dialing up long pass plays even though we couldn't block. Hate to tell you this Vic, but on any given play there are multiple routes out at a time. Our line did what you cannot do, which is bust assignments in the interior of without so much as getting a hand on the man. OU started playing defense in a phone booth if you were counting the amount of defenders in the box as the game wore on. The offense was lost right there. You have to be able to throw your way out of that many people close to the line of scrimmage, and quick hitting pass plays would be in a lot of traffic.

      Defense- We have not been able to generate a pass rush for awhile now, and that ain't changing simply because you change DCs. Everything that happened on the back end of this defense is because of what happened on the front end. There just wasn't enough pressure on Williams, and because of that the DBs were covering for way too long, and put into a lot of 50/50 battles they shouldn't have been in. We are just not winning battles up front like we used to. That has to get fixed, and its not going to with the current guys in the rotation.

      Bottom line- This game was lost in the trenches. When we jumped out to an early lead it was pretty clear that there were opportunities for OU that they were simply missing on with Rattler. When they started hitting on them we couldn't stop them. Some say we should sell out to stop the run, I say maybe the coaches have seen in practice what happens when you ask our secondary to cover one on one.

      All in all you guys need to relax. We need a talent injection in the trenches and we are fine. Sark may or may not be the guy long term, but today was on the players. At some point you have to win your one on one battles. OU won theirs today simple as that.

    The bitch move is negging a post that correctly points out Sarkisian been a great OC at many more places than just Bama. 


    You calling those guys out? No? That’s a bitch move in and of itself.

  3. 4 hours ago, SoonerSpock said:

    No question Caleb threw a couple of jump balls but Mims short history has proven time and again he wins those 50/50 passes a great preponderance of the time.  And as long as he does OU will keep throwing them to him.  It is what it is.

    If it was just Mims you’d have a great point, however, opposing QBs had a PERFECT passer rating on deep balls over 20 yds going into the RRS, so it isn’t just Mims. 


    Also, Texas had never been up 21 and lost before. This is a new level of failure. 

  4. 4 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Unless people like OP can point to some post of theirs predicting an undefeated NC season, this post is just idiotic. If this is not a 12-0 team, this would be where you would expect one of the Ls to come from.

    And if you predicted this team to win it all, you are also an idiot.

    To sum up, OP and his chicken little chorus are idiots.

    Sark is still dealing with the garbage program Mack left behind: shitty line play esp on offense but increasingly on d too. At least the combo of Strong and Herman fixed Mack's QB room disasters, but that is relatively easy when compared to having to find at least ten studs on OL.

    The elite programs put an o-lineman in the league every year

    Over the last 15 or so years, we have put less than 1.5 guys in the league per decade

    A couple of points back at you.



    Mack was coach over a decade ago. He started the fall, and he deserves the vitriol he receives for that. 

    That said, he’s not directly at fault for the program being in the state it’s now.


    2ndly, there’s nothing “chicken little” about looking at a coach’s past results and expecting those to continue. In fact, it’s rooted in pretty damned solid logic.

  5. 5 hours ago, Wishbone said:

    Jimbo about to go to 3-3 with a roster full of players that are all his in year 4. If we find ourselves in that situation in 4 years I will be for making a change. Hell, next year even. 

    Seinfeld What GIF by HULU

    aggy just beat the #1 team with a backup QB and multiple true Fr starters on their OL.

  6. 2 minutes ago, wood said:

    LMAO at all the stupid fucks on this board who can't see the glaring personnel deficiencies the program has right now, and are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, wanting to fire the new coach & his staff. Firing everyone after every loss or two is not EVER going to get us out of the hole. The fact that RD is on that bandwagon just confirms to me 100% how completely fucking nuts and stupid of a bandwagon it is.

    Who called for Sarkisian to be fired in this thread?

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Jimbob said:

    The spot on the bijan run was bad, his foot stepped out at the 2 but the ball was inches from the goal line.  So they spot it at the 2.  Didn’t end up mattering except as yet another fuckup or fuckery by the refs. 

    Was he leaning forward at the time?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    True. The title of your thread implies this is his static state. Or maybe I inferred it.

    Whichever the case, for whatever the reason, I still gotta good feelin' with Sark. 

    Here’s hoping you’re correct.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Gotcha. The premise of your thread sounded conclusive. 

    He’s still got years to turn it around at Texas. Will he? I doubt it, based on his history.


    I, however, am not (nor did I at any point in this thread) calling for him to be fired.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    I'm on the Sark Train.

    When they were up big, they played like it was 0-0.

    When the tide turned, they steadied the keel, trusted the man next to them, and punched back. I like that in a team. 

    If half a season is the pressure point for some to pull the rip cord, I can understand.

    I'm going to stock up on popcorn. 

    I’m not pulling any ripcord. I want him to prove me wrong.


    His HC record after 87 games indicates that it’s unlikely.

  11. Just now, ChiTownDoc said:

    God damn.  The Molotov cocktail is just what was needed.  JFC





    Narrator: It was indeed a meltdown, but the people insisting that no meltdown should occur were not cognizant of the fact that they were the ones melting down.

  12. 1 minute ago, maninblack said:

    I bet you wear a mask everywhere and worry about catching a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate

    You’d bet wrong.


    Despite the fact that I’m in a covid ICU watching COVID pts slowly die on ECMO, I’m still not wearing a mask.

  13. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    I think you'd be surprised by how much this isn't a mentality on any level of football anymore.

    Analytics and such.

    I honestly would expect Analytics to indicate that better time management in those situations would lead to more wins. 


    but, I don’t have access to the accumulated data.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    Damn posting a thread thinking it will get love only to realize you just fatwa yourself haha

    What if I told you that I knew exactly how the Echo Chamber that is Shaggybevo eeeerrrr SurlyHorns would react and posted it anyways?

    • Fuck You 2
  15. 1 minute ago, XForce said:

    There are so many holes in this roster. The game was lost in the trenches. If you don’t see that then you know nothing about football. 
    Texas OL is TRASH. The DL is overrated. 
    Also, how in the fuck have I not seen one post about PK in this thread? OU ran the same run play over and over  Brooks had like 225 yards rushing. Pathetic. 

    Absolutely. Now who is PK’s direct report?

  16. 3 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    I hate our bitchass fanbase. Fuck! Our Horns played ball hard against a good sooner team. Hell, we made them change QB!  But we have lots of issues that recruiting well will have to fix. We know this. Today was an exercise in a weaker team playing great ball above their heads to win against a better team and we came out short. Fuck all you limp dick bastards that are calling out the coach or the team for falling short after a damn good fucking try. Eat shit and die in a fire. Neg away you limp dick incels.

    Are you claiming a moral victory?

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