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Posts posted by lilMAC25

  1. 9 minutes ago, Texasizsoback said:

    Texas is going to win the B12.  Sark was a good hire.  But you have some dickheads for fans. I'll be the first to tell you Arkansas was the absolute worst P5 team under Chaggy Morris.  He can't even win at Allen HS. But the douchebags predicting a 30+ point win in Fayetteville is why the nation loves watching you lose.


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Texasizsoback said:

    That's all you got. Hold on tight!

    All I got is an MNC, another MNCG appearance, and 3 conference championships since 1996. Rose Bowl wins. Fiesta Bowl wins. Sugar Bowl win.



    Your shitty team hasn’t won a damn thing of consequence since leaving 1989.


    I’ll take what little Texas has and laugh at the absolute zero that you sister fucking retards have. Congrats on having scoreboard for a short while. Maybe you can finally beat Bammer. More likely though that we will get to watch you blubber “SEC, SEC, SEC” while you get touched in a bad place again by Uncle Nick for the 15th straight season.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       Athletes care about winning, but you know what they care about more? They care about if they are playing in a system that highlights their abilities, AND THEY CARE ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT THAT COACH THEY AGREED TO PLAY FOR IS GOING TO BE THERE FOR THEIR 4 YEARS. The SEC is full of NFL talent at schools that never win anything. They want to go to the league. That's what's important to high level recruits. That's why we are struggling with recruiting. That's also why we are struggling with coaching hires. No one wants to come here. Everyone we really want keeps turning us down regardless of the school and recruiting grounds. Why the fuck do you think that is? You know why it is. Everyone does, but no one wants to say it.

      You call Urban Meyer and ask him to come here, who is his next call to? His former Defensive Coordinator at Florida, Charlie Strong. What was Texas like Chuck? How did they treat you? Oh really? Not interested!! OUR OWN FUCKING ALUMNI ARE SENDING THEIR KIDS ELSEWHERE rather than here. But why would he? He is inside the program. He already knew that the very coach sitting on his couch trying to recruit his sons wouldn't be on campus by the time his sons got there.

      The University of Texas. The best job that no one wants, smack dab in the middle of the most fertile recruiting grounds that we can't get kids from. But you keep thinking my mentality is the problem.

    Our almuni are sending their kids elsewhere because there are better programs with better coaches. You know what proves that one coach is better than the other? 






    Nick Saban is the college GOAT HC. Anywhere. Ever.


    Chuck Strong’s are the worst in Texas history for a fucking reason. That reason is that he is the worst fucking coach in the history of the program. Quit defending him in any manner. He doesn’t deserve it.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  4. 57 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       This is why Texas struggles with football. Fans and big money donors influence the program far too often. We offered a guy who had little coaching experience a job without waiting long enough to see if his flash in the pan success was his or was it due to the previous regime. He hadn't recruited anyone. He had 1.5 season as a HC before we were talking to him. It was a panic hire and now we are paying for it. Hopefully Sark can win enough games to allow recruits to believe he will be around long enough to sign with us. Because right now the negative recruiting is killing us, and it all could've been avoided. I am done with this conversation. You guys keep yelling the sky is falling every time a game doesn't go the way you like. Maybe we can fire yet another coach after 3 or 4 years.

    You know what other teams were saying about Charlie Strong?



    ”he’s fucking terrible and he will never win at Texas. You’d be stupid to waste your talent under that guy.”

  5. 1 hour ago, Thatguy said:



       Listen to the words.....


      We wasted 4 years and millions on Tom Herman and hurt our recruiting in the process to win a couple more games a year that we would've likely won with Ehlinger playing hero ball anyway. I am telling you both coaches weren't good.

    I’m telling you that Herman wasn’t nearly as bad as Charlie Strong and it certainly appears that you’re either to stupid to realize it or to obstinate to admit that you were wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      Charlie Strong's Louisville team beat Florida in the Sugar bowl. they were a good team. They also routed Miami the next year too in that bowl game.

       To sit here and pretend like QBs and players don't matter is ridiculous. LSU was loaded for years and the only time they broke through just so happens to be the only times they had competent QB play. Some of that time was with Saban there. If you remember we ran them over in a bowl game with Marcus Randall. The very next year they had Matt Mauck and they win the title.

       The 04 team losing to that KU team would've been worse than the 16 team's loss. But it doesn't fit the narrative you are pushing, so carry on. The point is we didn't lose because of VY. Ehlinger won us quite a few games with sheer hero ball as well. Without that we are dropping a couple more games per year under Herman.

       It was a waste of a hire in my eyes, when we could've gone out and gotten someone solid. Now we have had 3 coaches in the last 9 years. If you don't think that's hurting us on the recruiting trail then you are an idiot. We did a lot of damage to ourselves that's going to take work to repair. But you guys can't see that because you cannot see the forest for the trees. We have a kid here who just took his visit to the 40 this Saturday. His younger sister is my daughter's classmate and friend. As he makes his rounds guess what the other schools are telling him?

    That’s some Texas fans are stupid enough to defend Charlie Strong?


    it’s fuckin embarrassing.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, Dr.Dre said:

    They’re football coaches they don’t need to be saints.  Infidelity is not illegal so who the fuck cares. 


    Now if they we’re to busy thinking about pussy or getting caught instead of multitasking and putting in a bad ass game plan.  Then by all means give them hell about infidelity.  But you could easily lump it in with whatever distraction that might decrease their on job performance.  Alcohol, drugs, video game addiction, fucking laziness or whatever it else.


    Absolutely fair.


    also plays to my point. Neither coach had good enough result to continue coaching at Texas and that’s all that matters.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Thatguy said:


    Shane had 3 picks and we had a fumble to lose that game. But in 2004 we are down 20-23 to KU and Vince Young converts a 4th and 18 and the rest is history. You see how this fuckin works?

    Yes, in 2004, a competent HC had recruited good players to Texas and had them in position to win a game.


    In 2016, an utterly incompetent Texas HC lost to a Kansas team who had lost 19 straight Big Xii games.


    Charlie Strong is far and away the worst HC in Texas history. 

    Tom Herman is NOT.


    The end.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Just now, Thatguy said:

       Players win games not coaches. We had shitastic QB play during Strong's tenure. If VY played for Strong what would his record be? Why was Strong winning at Louisville? Could it be the dude that currently has the Denver Broncos 3-0 was the reason? How many games you think Saban would lose if we swapped out Mac Jones for Tyrone Swoopes? I swear you guys make football way harder than it is. Ed Orgeron won a natty with Joe Burrow. Gene Chizick won a natty with Cam Newton.

    I’m beginning to suspect that you’re literally too stupid to insult.

    • Haha 4
  10. 21 minutes ago, Thatguy said:




    Herman lucked into a good QB at both stops as a head coach. Ehlinger was the difference in wins between the two coaches. Those two wins per season or so that we gained over Strong can be attributed to 11. Otherwise, those two coaches are the same guy.

    That’s dumb and you should feel dumb for posting it.


    Strong never had a winning season at Texas. In 3 season at Texas, Strong lost by 18 or more points 10 times at Texas, (5 times in 2014 alone. 4 times in season 2015.  1 in 2016), worse than 1 in every 4 games coached by Charlie Strong, Texas had the doors fucking blown off.


    Herman never had a losing season at Texas. He only lost 1 game IN 4 SEASONS by 17 or more. Tom Herman never lost to Kansas.



    Tom Herman, may fuck be upon him for losing consistently to TCU, was vastly better than Charlie Strong.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Hiphopopotamos said:


    If 80 doesn’t trip him up, he probably houses that.


    BTW, Spiller had 8 carries against CU for 20 yds.


    Bijan had 10 for 183 the last time he played CU.

  12. 7 minutes ago, TXpride said:

    But he was such a great man...

    He lost to Kansas and implied that everyone who wanted him fired were racists.


    ETA: I don’t buy the BS rumors about Strong or Herman and marital infidelity.

    It’s just people trying to find other problems to hold over those two men.

    Strong fucking sucked as a HC at Texas. Losing to THAT Kansas team?  No further issue needed to fire or ridicule him.


    Herman couldn’t beat TCU with a Sr QB, a new OC, and a New DC, and furthermore recruiting was tanking. No further issues need to fire or ridicule him.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Thatguy said:

       Strong had his issues we all know that. My defense of Strong was in reference to firing him in favor of an unproven guy who was bringing a low scoring offense to the big12. At the time the whole board was raving about the idea we would offer Herman, and I was totally against it. But typical Surly we forget the whole premise of the argument and only cherry pick the defense of Strong. People even accused me of defending him because he was Black. There were jokes about how dumb he was, and people were raving about Herman being Mensa. But here we are in 2021 and I was dead right about Herman. He turned out to be absolute trash, but no one ever came to get their plate of crow. Now as trash as Herman was imagine him without Ehlinger. Imagine him with Swoopes and Shane. Herman turned out to be no better just with a better QB. We wasted millions for no reason.

    There was no reason to ever defend Charlie Strong. As bad as Tom Herman was, he was light centuries better than Charlie Strong.


    Charlie Strong deserves very bit of criticism, derision, and ridicule heaped upon him. He’s THE WORST FB HC HIRE in Texas history by a VAST margin.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 6 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      OP is the guy that stopped posting on the football board during the Herman era. I told you what would happen with him and I was right. But of course you don't remember that right?

    If you were defending Chuck Strong over a year after he was fired, you’re gonna have a long way to go to prove that you know a DAMN thing about football.

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