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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. Game was out of reach before they began throwing flags. this is all BS for ratings.
  2. DaK is straight trash. Drew’s mouth hugs be damned
  3. They won’t trade Parsons. They’ll pay him a fuck load of $$
  4. Dak Prescott would win a Super Bowl as the starting QB for about 6 different NFL teams.
  5. Dak sucked dick before the half in the playoff game. He was fucking garbage until the Packers started playing prevent.
  6. Every time you say “it isn’t Dak”, it sorta is. He’s not good enough to overcome even when the team around was good enough to win. Dak isn’t.
  7. lol. dak isn’t THE problem, but he isn’t the solution either.
  8. Member when Dallas was gonna rise up and beat the Ravens? lol
  9. Seth seems like a stupid fuck
  10. It doesn’t count if he doesn’t throw a pass… seriously though, they can play in 4 games and not affect their redshirt season.
  11. Down 63-38 to JMU Simms>>Applewhite. [pulls pin, chunks grenade, and ducks]
  12. Totally picking nits, but I wish he’d do it more. Trey Owens needs reps.
  13. I don’t care. Teams and fans already hate us. I hope we hang 60 on every team from year on out except OU (127).
  14. I hope he strokes out. Fuck Tim Brando
  15. Because they and Missouri killed the BigXii (which I’m ok with) and then tried to blame us for it (I’m not ok with that) assholes
  16. Oh man, glad they fucked with the time rules to shorten games so they could add an 8 minute TV time out at 2min assholes
  17. I hate Beilama, but I hate Corn more. I hope Corn loses the rest of their games.
  18. from the armpit of Texas, The Golden Triangle…. TEXAS
  19. He’s a very good back. That said, I hope Blue is back by OU.
  20. That have been customized. I like them, but I ain’t spending that sort of coin on footwear because I’m cheap.
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