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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. This is not showing on the dude’s feed.
  2. Cardiovascular Perfusionist. I run the heart and lung machines (The Pump) in CV surgery. A good CV first assist works a lot harder, and makes slightly more $. I have a sweet gig. Only (reasonable) career I regret not shooting for is CRNA (nurse anesthesia). Significantly More money, similar liability, slightly worse hours.
  3. I mean, more absurd than the “Texas offered Terry $10MM” that was going around on FB?
  4. Nice paraphrase (play on words?) of Mark Twain
  5. I mean, I’m a bit biased because I work in heart surgery, but I’d argue the heart is the most vascular organ in the body…
  6. 87% sure it was a tweet after the Miami loss last year.
  7. aggy when Texas won the BigXii last year
  8. Aggy was playing music over the speakers on the sidelines right up to 2 seconds before the snap….
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