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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. How does he feel about blocking for himself?
  2. Gentlemen, we didn’t crack 100 yds offense until sometime in the 3rd quarter. That Was A BEATDOWN
  3. Was it though? this is easily the most talent team Sark has ever had as a HC and we got buttfucked into Bolivia on our home turf.
  4. Holy shit, we just got wrecked
  5. Georgia is flat out beating our ass
  6. Bama just got a VERY friendly spot by refs on 4th down.
  7. Right around Thanksgiving…
  8. I still want the Sailor Bevo Hoodie in Burnt Orange.
  9. This. I started a thread saying I didn’t think he was great. Here he is showing me he IS great, and Surly is out here wallowing in ancient misery.
  10. Seriously, the Cowboys are shitty enough that they’re a beating without adding politics to this fucking thread. Keep CR in CR, please.
  11. Take your CR bullshit and fuck yourself in the face.
  12. VY Rose Bowl vs USC. close though
  13. What position will Terry likely play?
  14. Don’t know if it will link to the proper moment of video (approximately 10:35 on the clock, 19:13 on video clock).
  15. I’m not saying it was a perfect throw by any means, I’m saying Bond likely makes the catch if he doesn’t slip.
  16. It wasn’t a perfect throw (definitely one of Quinn’s bad mechanics/looked scared of the rush throws), but Bond slipped and then had to dive to try to make the adjustment. It certainly changed the outcome of the play.
  17. the fuck it isn’t.
  18. Not sure if anyone has discussed this, but on Texas 2nd drive, 3rd and 3 about 10:35 in 1st period,Texas takes a deep shot to Bond. Announcers (and me) thought QE made a bad throw. On rewatch, Bond slipped on the midfield logo coming out of his cut. If that doesn’t happen, Bond gets his hands on the ball (he barely missed it anyways), and possibly catches it on the run. Big change in early momentum and QE’s confidence if that happens.
  19. He Deserved being arrested for the unprovoked assault and battery of the Redskins fan. That was a brutal attack and easily could have caused permanent harm to that person.
  20. And just better. Better coached. Better talent. Every bit of it. Every aspect. TEXAS IS BETTER.
  21. One who lags behind the crowd.
  22. Told my buddy when it happened that no matter how many personal fouls it took, defending 3 was the right thing to do and as long as OL weren’t kicked out kick their ass.
  23. Shut your whore mouth, Brent Venables is doing an incredible job at OU.
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