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TX Wing Fan

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  1. don't know how to win a ball game
  2. The college fan jerseys that Nike sells to the public are all iron on now. I know they used to make fully stitched jerseys for select numbers, but that stopped shortly before 2020.
  3. OU Twitter Spaces for all the meltdown enjoyers out there https://x.com/i/spaces/1eaKbanlaEVxX
  4. Would rather listen to the Mariachi over 80% of the mainstream nonsense they pipe in. Best option would be have LHB play more during timeouts, but that doesn't seem to be possible for whatever reason. The bathroom situation at halftime in the North and East upper decks was the worst I've ever seen. Lines were about 2 sections deep at the ones I saw, although they did move at a pretty good pace. Probably more of a volume or user-error problem rather than a CDC issue.
  5. UGA ducking Bevo allegations not going away
  6. cup manufacturers in college station are salivating
  7. but do they glow in the dark?
  8. pac 12 after dark lives on
  9. Grabbed some of the new 100th Anniversary of DKR Yeti cups at the home opener. I don't believe UT advertised the white one prior to the game, so it surprised me when I saw it at the concessions stand. One of the better designs we've gotten over the last few years IMO. Per CDC, it sounds like more of them will be available at the UTSA game.
  10. To me, this is one of the biggest wins for the gameday experience over the last few years. Given inflation, the rising cost of food, and every restaurant jacking up prices to make a quick buck, you'd expect UT to follow suit. They probably never made much money off of concessions following the rollback, but at this point I bet they lose a good amount just to maintain prices. It probably gets balanced out via alcohol sales or they rationalize it as a "gameday experience" expense, but regardless it's still really great to see. On another food related note I love that Pluckers continues to give out the 5-free wing coupons following each win. Those coupons have probably outperformed the value of the US dollar over the last 10 years with how expensive wings have gotten.
  11. Aligned with this move, as long as they don't replace him with or give more air time to the "Texas Fight" 1st down guy. That dude is infinitely worse
  12. Imagine chirping all offseason just to lose the Ramblin' Wreck in game 1
  13. Maybe the one good thing Jumbo did for aggy was getting their uniform situation corrected. The throwback-inspired jerseys with the glossy helmet is a great look for them, and few (only 1 I believe) alternates during his tenure was also cool to see. Seems like he might have been the big driver for that, as immediately after he leaves they're back to the "swag" that the last coach pushed with a boring black uniform 🥱
  14. FSU didn't want to be there
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