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TX Wing Fan

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Everything posted by TX Wing Fan

  1. that's an assert your dominance call by BK over Saban. There's a new sheriff in the SEC West
  2. pac 12 trying to give usc every opportunity to keep them in the playoff hunt
  3. so glad we're leaving this dumpster fire of a conference
  4. nice to see the purple kryptonite switched from us to OU
  5. espn doing everything they can to make this the worst viewing experience possible
  6. Wow can’t believe the 2022 Recruiting National Champions are going to lose a game on the grid iron Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thought the in-game experience for game 1 was pretty solid. I liked how instead of playing some lame hype video before the team takes the field, they instead showed the players walking though the the tunnel. Loved the new band placement as well, but that just might be because they were closer to our usual seats. Biggest complaints are still the band’s entrance (which is the same lame entrance as last year), and the fact that the tempo on the Eyes is way too slow. It’s damn near paced like a funeral dirge, and often results in the crowd singing the song faster than the band is playing it. It was so bad last last night that the students were at least 2 seconds ahead of the rest of the stadium. We had this issue last year, so I think it’s just something with the new director’s style. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. this is literally a Georgia home game
  9. If you want to get technical, I think USC is the only team in the P5 that has never worn a true alternate, and they wear the same home and away set for every game. PSU, Alabama, and Texas have all worn some form of alternate uniform at one point or another (although the differences between the alts and the regular uniforms for theses schools are usually really minor).
  10. Might be interesting to see a modern take on the two uniforms on the left.
  11. He confirmed that it was team issue only, although someone in the replies stated that it was a merch drop from the early 2010s. If I had to guess it's probably something that was released to the public within the last 20 years, but currently isn't in production.
  12. Feel like we're going to end up with 3 big 20ish school conferences: B10, SEC, and the Big Pac (the 2023 B12 plus the remainder of the Pac12). Big Pac will be a second tier league, but it will be solid and I bet they'll end up getting a playoff spot once expansion happens. Notre Dame is really the key factor. Like others have said, if Notre Dame goes to the B10 then Stanford probably tags along with them. If they don't end up in the ACC, then I honestly don't see that league surviving as a major football conference, and anticipate that the SEC will raid it's main football schools to keep pace with the B10. Clemson, FSU, and Miami would be the most likely schools in this scenario, with UNC being a possibility (depending how loyal they are to the other Carolina schools). The remaining ACC schools will form a solid basketball league. Oregon and Washington are the main wild cards. B10 is the most likely landing spot, but I could also see that league passing and thus relegating these schools to the Big Pac. It all depends on what Notre Dame does and how quickly and willing these conferences are to expand (as well as money of course).
  13. Winning basketball games is hard when you don't get to shoot 46 free throws
  14. Looks like Brock will be returning
  15. We're always good for at least 1 scoring drought like this per game. Hopefully we can get it out of the way early and finish strong in the last 10 minutes.
  16. If you really wanted to you could probably reach out to @jwdanklefs on Instagram, as he created them. I doubt he'd be able to make an exact pair, but he might be able to do something close.
  17. Looks like we'll soon be able to order jerseys with current player's names on the back directly from the school.
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