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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. I see where you're coming from, but the bowl BS has to stop. Again, in 16 HE HAS 2 CC'S. His "wins" were mostly against the poverty teams, but when he went up against Stoops, his kryotonite, he folded over more than Riley Reid in a gangbang. Those bowls were consolation prizes for those who couldn't make a BCS game, and he was well squinted with the Holiday bowl each and every year. If the guy didn't burj the village to the ground on his way out, I may have forgiven him. But alas, being manlet tard just couldn't look what made him famous and all that month and walk away and had fan support. He pissed it all away, and now that we've seen the real Mack. It's ok to throw out how average he was in a below average conference where your only team to beat to get to a BCS game is ou, which he couldn't do because he's a moronic, below average, low IQ barely functioning retard. He was blessed to have Akina/Robinson/Muschamp, because in offense we had GDGD (or CTJ to some). He needs huga and kisses tio make himself feel important. A guy who has millions still needs attention. What kind of pussy needs that after being the head coach at one of the most blue blood teams in history? He fucked himself on that one. He has no one to blame for his downfall other than himself. Being the idiot low IIQ dumbass that he is, after losing ro Bama, he decides we're going to be a running team now...except, you know, we didn't have the personnel for that. Square peg, round hole Mack. Edit: I'm not a television show, so no, I don't get ratings.
  2. But wait, there's more! We pkay them the first game of the season...at the Shoe...and I believe it's a night game. Both teams will be starting a new QB (Arch will crucify their secondary and LB'S. He'll have been in this system for 3 years to learn and grow. He's gonna be absolutely amazing. He's truly gifted.
  3. Exactly. Your goal isn't to win 10 games, your goal is to win them all. We're Texas, we should have rolled every team in our conference, but instead we lost ou on the reg, and then add in another 1-2 head scratchers.
  4. He's not getting a statue for winning one national championship. Not a singke donor and CDC would allow that to happen. We would be the laughing stock of college fb if we put up a statue of a guy who set fire to the program on his way out # won only 2 CC's in 16 years here, and made 2 BCS games, not named the NC. It would absolutely pathetic.
  5. Have a seat, grandpa, and depends. My anger ia far worse than my writing. I have a loathing feeling about that piece of shit, and l his wins don't mean shit to me. Not after fucking over on our recruits on the way out. Pjus his retarded "10 win season" goal. How that bled into aggy, I have no clue. Whenever they use it it takes me back to school when I would hang out with my friends before classes, and one of them mentioned we are so close to 10 wins, and I about went off the top rope on him. The "10-win" shit was stupid then, and even dumber how. How the fuck strives for "10-wins" to be a goal? Maybe he just loves the Holiday Alamo bowl better than competing at a higher level. I would not shock me if he did. Fucking slim-brained fuck tars. Aim higher, Mack, you armpit smelling, fraternity peeping Tom weirdo. Had you had a clue, a plan, and not a smooth brained incompetent dipshit, we could have won a NC at the very least 2 times. And don't get started on that Colorado collapse that would have taken us there. It have, and will, have any anger towards Simms. He bled burnt orange for us until graduated because he didn't understand how to be great QB UT, when you're good but not great, it ain't working out. He has a cushy job and beautiful. Glad to see him and Bijan throw up the Hook Em together in that Pic. Anyway... 10 wins, everybody! Yay! That is an aggy goal, not ours. We strive higher. Mack out that shit in the ether and all of the lessers and plebs cling to it. God it's so annoying and makes me cringe when I hear "(10-wins", or "it's the kids that [fill in stupid remark Mack makes), an last but not least...CLAP CLAP CLAP, like he's trying to figure out the lights coming on when you get home. God I hate that motherfucker with every fiber of my being.
  6. Exactly. Neither team had anywhere close to what we're putting out. It's going to be a long day at the job for Howard. We can stop the run, and pass pro. Our athlete are just on another level. I would love to have Smith, but if he has to he used countless times, then they are fucked. We have some pipe hitting motherfuckers.
  7. Everybody calm down. Their o-line is not good, and we have some strong, fast edges to push them around. We also have one of the best secondaries in the country. He may have Jeremiah Smith and Egbuka, but we still have the Thorpe winner. Mukuba. Jelani Mcdonald, Taaffe, and plenty of depth. Our WR's are not to be taken lightly. Golden, Helm. Wingo. Moore are all capable of posterising their secondary. This isn't a gimme for either coach, but we are the only top team they have played (Oregon was never going go win it, and they won't until we're all dead for another 75 years). Plus, their o-line and d-line look a bit small-ish compared to our shitty conference. tOSU is an outlier. Ryan is also a perennial loser against teams with equal taken. We aren't fucking Tennessee, and Oregon got their skulls drug because they played them before and knew what they were going to do. We also have an o-line that can protect, and a defensive front who went 97 plays without giving up. That's some superhuman level shit. This will be a close game. If we can rattle Howard with our ridiculous edge depth/safety/corner blitz a few times, he could get Bert Auburn level bad,, then we're gonna win. So let's compare the now NIL league. Which is basically minor league football. Or even the final 4 in basketball. One team may look bigger and stronger, but can they outlast the team with similar talent and coaching? We shall see. I truly do believe tOSU is not going to win. Why you ask? It's being played in our home state and it might as well be held at DKR with as many fans coming in. This isn't turtle Tom. Sark will dial up some shit, and PK is an elite DC.
  8. For now...until I see that motherfucker walk the sidelines at a game, and then shit will hit the fan. The only thing Mack can do is tank what Sark is accomplishing just out of spite. People see some good ol boy, smiley glad handing people, while others see him as a manlet with mommy and daddy issues. He's an attention whore that is irrelevant today. I used to like him when I was going to UT, but when I finished grad school he showed who he really is. " I can fix it, I swear. Just give me 10 more seasons to get the band back together again"
  9. I'm just speaking over time. His narcissism makes him believe he's better than he actually is, while over several decades there have been schools that won a NC and aren't putting up a statue of that coach, because, well, they're not dumbasses, Mack is in the same narcissist spectrum sigh Urban Meyer, but unlike Brown. He's win 3 NC's. His deluded mind thinks he's smarter than everyone in the room, even those who have repeatedly beat him, or won more conference and/or NC'S.
  10. I prefer honky, but Caucasian is ok, too, I suppose. It's all about the revolution
  11. Yeah, but his speed and hands, tho! /s
  12. He's a con artist for one, I think his parents didn't likr him very much, or laid little attention to him. I think someone mentioned here or Shaggy that they loved his brother way more (can't remember his name), even in his 70s he has trust issues and a deep need for affection and like, even though on the inside he's a spiteful asshole. But he did take the time to take a picture with my niece who began attending UNC this year. Would have been cool had coach K still been coaching and my nephew, who attends Duke, got a Pic with him. Anyway... Mack is just an insecure manlet who needs someone to tell him he's special. You know, like an escort for example.
  13. No fucking way will Mack ever get a statue, or anything named after him. He won a single NC and 2 BCS bowl games in his 16 years coaching. Not to mention he literally won 2 Big XII championships with superior talent han OU, and got Bob Stoops' chin cum all over his face in 8 of the 16. He can pander his Schick all he wants, but there's probably 10 other coaches at the very least who have 1 NC. He's a charlatan. The guy was a yearly Holiday bowl ateendee. Not even good enough to make more than 2 BCS non-NC games, and 1 NC. ONE. Oh, right, right, how could I forget he didn't have a contingency plan when Colt got hurt because....well, he's a dumbass. So what does he do? You guessed it, he threw in a true frosh who didn't even get the chance to know the entire playbook because he was redshirting, and Mack seemingly forgot he had a real backup. This is how fucking retarded that man is. That motherfucker deserves nothing. Am I being spiteful? Fuck yes I am. I don't give one single fuck how many "wins" he has here, or how many top 3 glasses he had; the truth is he is an average to below average coach, but has a great defensive staff with Akina and Robinson/Muschamp, he backdoored his way into Colt McCoy being a fucking baller. He never thought "wait a minute here....that kid over there at 2a Jim Ned HS looks just like the guy who can take us to that next step after VY. I never thought Ryan Perriloux was good enough, anyway. I pushed him out for Colt" Hes a narcassistic mouth breathing, bug eating dipshit. So, yeah, Mack, thank you for 16 years of 2 CC, 1 NC, 1 NC loss, and 2 BCS games. But wait, there's more...that limp wristed, dog hair eating, maniacal raging asshole told all the recruits to look elsewhere after he was canned because he's a thin-skinned brainlet who didn't appreciate where he was all those years. And instead of taking the high road, nah, fam, he just set it and his legacy on fire. Absolute legend...of idiots that had surrounded himself with people more knowledge than him and beat up the Big 12, but couldn't beat his fishing buddy Bob Stoops. He had three 1-loss seasons, one 0 loss season, then you have another 2-7 losses in there each year I swear to God there aren't enough drugs, including Ketamine, MDMA, and Xanax mixed together to change my mind. I'm probably going to have an aneurysm. I should probably get some sunlight and go take drugs and lay in the grass and have an existential crisis.
  14. Well he got one thing right and one thing wrong - 1) Clemson came out hot, but unfortunately for them we came immediately right bsck and beat them by 2 scores. 2) Losing in Austin? JLaw ok.gif
  15. You say that until shit suddenly goes awry when he's around.
  16. He'll Connor Stallions himself to get on the sidelines.
  17. Man, I REALLY wanted to pair Townsend with Armstrong. Sucks he went to that shit hole. Maybe he'll jump in the portal next season when aggy is on their couches couches once again while we're in the playoffs once again.
  18. Gotta be honest here- I'm both equally surprised and baffled that people will still be posting on this thread until 2038, and it hasn't already reached 1k yet.
  19. I do not want that motherfucker anywhere near Sark and his staff to "give advice" about shit he doesn't know or can't
  20. Holy shit! My BIL can't go because of some business meeting, so I got a ticket! Fuck. Yes. I don't care how cold it is. I'll let my nipples get hard for this game. I'll be the guy that looks like the kid from A Christmas Story.
  21. I swear to Christ Mack is like pancreatic cancer. He just won't go away. It's both annoying, and we will all be dead before he's strapped to a gurney and wheeled out. I used to like him, but after his firing and telling recruits to look elsewhere, he's never getting off of my shit list, even if it were a blessing in disguise to wander the proverbial desert for 12 years before success. Fuck that motherfucker.
  22. Fair enough
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