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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. 17-5 is a basketball score. Where do they think they are?
  2. Our offense looks like they're looking for a penny in a sewer
  3. All we need is Arch to throw the hall to Wingo. He's been money on that play. Wingo should have 7 TD's right now with Arch.
  4. Well, yeah. It's his play call, but Wisner dropped the ball.
  5. Jeanty makes Scatapoo look like Keontay Ingram
  6. Our offense is the special Olympics high jump
  7. Thanks, Quinn. We can always count on you to do something...not great.
  8. My apologies. Let's just hand off to Wisner more
  9. I think we can all agree we're happy Quinn hasn't thrown an INT yet
  10. Families hang out together? Weird. I avoid mine at all times. My ex-wife texted me Happy New Year this morning. I told her I hope her car breaks down and she's picked up by toothless hillbilly.
  11. Is it wrong that I hope Leavitt breaks his leg?
  12. Ah, the 3rd qtr is off to yet another great start
  13. I just want to take the time to say Hayden Connor is terrible
  14. Jesus was a refugee? I always thought he was a vagabond
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