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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. Eh... I don't know about that one? He seems more aware than Eli, but Eli was also on average Ole Miss teams, so maybe?
  2. Just as a bigger QB who can run. If you read the last part it says "He's kind of his own cat". So, no, I'm not comparing more than just being a bigger QB. Arch is in his own house. And like I said before - I don't know who he reminds me of. Do you have any suggestions?
  3. Yeah, I agree with both of those, but that's where it ends. I'd say he's more Tebow talent-wise than Mamziel. But right now I can't really think of a qb that he reminds me of. He's kind of his own cat.
  4. The best part is we haven't even leveled up to our full potential yet. We about to murder everyone on our schedule. Looking at you Georgia.
  5. Sark and these young men have earned it. Also...LULZ aggy. You know they're pulling their pussy hairs out seeing us in our first year going to the #1 spot. It's orgasmic.
  6. I'll bet he's back for ou. We have ULM then Miss St, and then a bye. He'll have 3 weeks to heal up, and if it's a grade 1, which is what people are speculating, we're good. It's just 2 games, and after that he'll be back and continue his rampage onwards to a Heisman win. It's just game 3. Once we reach week 8 no one will remember him getting hurt in game 3. This isn't even a setback for that award.
  7. Yeah, the o-line will be a question mark. We know Goosby will be fine. Campbell will be back because his NFL grade won't be high enough. Center will probably be Robertson/Cruz, which I have no idea how good either is. Cole Hutson will take over for Conner. The only true question will be RT. Will it be Cojoe or Baker?
  8. Manning is nothing like Mamziel. Manning has more talent and doesn't run around until a Mike Evans is open. Manning is intelligent and actually knows the playbook. Manning also isn't lazy. And lastly, he's 6'4 220lbs. I don't know who he reminds me of, but it'd definitely not Mamziel.
  9. Ewers has the talent. I truly believe it will happen. Manning is a prodigy, and the weapons he has around him is absurd. Next year as a full-time starter, he'll have Cook, Wingo, Moore, Niblack, Lockett, and Ffrench. As well as whomever Sark brings in from the portal, which we know he will. The defense will be fine. We'll add more DT/NT from the portal, January, Bryant, (hopefully it he can stop eating) Mitchell, Sharma, Charles, (probably) Sims, (hopefully) Wynn. I know I'm missing a few on the DL that's already here.
  10. I think Norvell just signed an extension lulz I mean, I get it, I guess, but for a guy who is too reliant on the transfer portal and not HS recruiting should not be getting an extension. JMO. Now the warts are showing, and it's not pretty.
  11. Seeing both UF and FSU down is great for us in recruiting, but damn that's still crazy to see. I don't think I remember when both were THAT terrible at the same time.
  12. 1. They'll get better. Georgia is currently the only team that has a WR's with a pulse. 2. I suspect we will. Gibson is looking as advertised and is already a year ahead of where he should be. Blue will be back, and Wisner is a dude. 3. Who knows? Every time he's been hurt he's come back and done extremely well. 4. Those should get cleaned up. Cam Williams is still getting used to being a starter. The second half of the season and he should level up. It's just game 3. We get a bye before ou, so that's plenty of time to watch film and clean things up. I noticed a lot of players watching on those IPads of previous plays, so they're self-motivated, which is a great sign.
  13. Absolutely beautiful catch. I see his hands, as well as Bond's, have taken the next step. Both catch with their hands and not their body. Same with all of our receivers. Chris Jackson was such a baller hire.
  14. Sweet. I remember Lawrence being a .9999. Honestly, he really should have been a 1.000. I don't know what the knock on him was, but it was dumb. Anyway...all your 1.000 QBs are belong to us.
  15. To the mountain top we go! Whomever is leading this team is taking us to the promised land. Fuck ou. Fuck Georgia. Fuck Arky. Fuck aggy. And fuck anyone else on our schedule. But most of all...fuck whomever we steamroll in the playoffs.
  16. All Longhorns. Something to be said about our timing when they rarely come around. Has there been any other 1.000 QBS, or are those the only 3?
  17. Who was it pointed to the score board when we were beating the shit out of Tceh around 2006 or so? Made me laugh. I remember that game being on like TBS or TNT or some shit.
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