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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. Eric Metcalf. I still have his rookie card and I don't care how little it's worth, it's bad ass seeing Texas on that card.
  2. I'm good, fam. Even I have some standards.
  3. Just waiting for NC State to kickoff, Mizzou, and UNC @ Minny. Cross your fingers Colorado loses to NDSU
  4. He's also great in Blade. Actually, he's a great actor in general. The man just oozes talent. Love his work.
  5. I am going through some shit, so sorry for my spaz posting.
  6. I swear, I told this to my wife that if I ever won the lottery it's not going to material stuff, it's to have a ranch for animals in need. I love dogs so much. Like, I hurt when others lose theirs. They're truly the best companions. I donate food to our local shelter monthly for both cats and dogs. If I could have 100+, I wouldn't hesitate. I saw this cute video of this guy who has something like 25 Chihuahuas, and it's the most beautiful thing. He obviously has a lot of money. He has some that are missing their front legs, some that have brain injuries, etc. You can tell he cares so deeply for them and they love him unconditionally, too. Seeing him pull back the covers on his bed and them all jump up talking to him made my heart melt. That's what I want.
  7. Thank you, man. Sincerely, thank you. I've been writing everything that I feel in hopes that it helps, but so far it doesn't. Only on this board has it helped because all of you. When I signed up here I never thought I would get to converse with so many great people who have given me hope. I will continue to write, and giving something away is a great idea. I already donate stuff I don't need to a lovely place that's owned by two wonderful folks. It makes me feel good. I don't do it to pat myself on the back, I do it because I hope someone enjoys it, or can wear it, or whatever.
  8. Hate is a strong word, but I dislike him very much. He wasn't this saint people made him out to be. He was fucking his friend's wife, he made the absolute dumbest decisions I've ever witnessed in any sport, and he got paid handsomely for it. Fuck that guy. He hired the worst staff in college sports. He had the money and resources and couldn't even memorize his zip code and didn't even know who Vince Young and Colt Mccoy were. He didn't even bother knowing his own players names, either. He's a fucking moron who's made more money than this entire board put together. Just unbelievable at how dumb he is.
  9. There are two parts to my brain that work at the same time, so spouting stupidity into a post is par for the course. You already know this, man.
  10. My house is really clean, it's part of my OCD. And not that "oh, I'm a clean freak I have OCD!! HAHAHA!" No, it's literally part of my brain. It's a blessing and a curse. I don't want to be a hoarder, but I don't want to have to go around and make sure everything is spotless, either.
  11. This is some of the best advice that I needed to hear. I have insomnia, so sleeping is a huge issue, but I take medicine for it, but it hit or miss. Today I opened a book to start reading to kind of take my mind elsewhere (The Dark Tower series, FWIW). I want to work out again, but finding the motivation is beyond hard at the moment. I know i can do it, but all I can think about is my wife with some cult member. It's tearing me up inside. It's consuming my every thought. I would love to adopt a new pup, but ours will not accept them at their stage in life. Our Pom, Ella, turns 15 in December, and she's very, very bossy, and in our circle of trust she doesn't like other pups. It took her literally 9 years to accept Nico. Nico, being a Labrabull, turns 12 in January, and is extremely needy. She's very sweet, but if attention is taken off of her she can get aggressive. Our babies that passed were Prince, a Pomchi, Tink, who was a Chihuahua, and Dominoe, who was a Labrabull and Nico's bear friend. Prince was the leader of the pack, so when he passed they were all depressed as much as me. He kept order. He was my first. My baby. My soul mate. I want to adopt a Chihuahua puppy, but I worry about Ella and her health. Prince passed from heart disease at 15, and Tink from kidney disease at 16. They were my true soul mate companions and we did everything together. They loved car rides and exploring. Ella is the last of our small babies, but she doesn't enjoy care rides. What I miss the most is coming home and being greeted and them talking to me telling me how much they missed me and got ready for their ride, and then we would come home and go on walks, with Prince leading the pack. It's like I cannot accept their passing. My mind won't allow it, so I cry. I need grief counseling, but I'm not even sure it would help. I am now watching what I eat and drink, and I stopped drinking alcohol 7 years ago. I gotta quit energy drinks now, and that's hard.
  12. Thank you, man. I appreciate those words. I just don't know how to deal with this tidal wave of depression and being beat down on top of dealing with OCD.
  13. Man, thank you for those words. My mind needed to hear them. I'm broken. I know people see my posts and think "spaz" and all that shit, but that's not the real me. I don't know how to cope so I just start writing and some of it is stupid and I know that. I'm just hurting and have been for a long time.
  14. I'm kind of with you. I really have this thought that NDSU can beat Colorado.
  15. Who's shittier? Desmond Ridder or Trey Lance?
  16. So sick. It's hard not to root for Tulane. They have some sweet unis
  17. I'm really pulling for RT this season. He's got some ballers, and Tre Johnson is on another level. I'm hyped about this season!
  18. Probably a stupid question, but what happens to a kid that gets cut? Does he just be a pleb like the rest of us and attend classes and hope to tryout again? How does that work?
  19. Same. Like you said, as long as they lose to us and beat aggy, I don't care what they do. They just have too much talent and speed to not beat Harvard on the Brazos.
  20. If Colorado is desperate enough to keep this circus and be the laughing stock, then they deserve their record. Deion is a clown, and Colorado is a clown show. Embarrassing.
  21. Florida has to find a way to win 8 games if Napier wants to save his job, but that's a tall order. He's only going into his 3rd season, so I don't think he'll be fired unless they go something like 3-7 or 2-8; maybe even 4-6. They have too much talent to be as shitty as they are. Napier has recruited really well, so he has to show competitiveness and win a few they're not supposed to. He's on the Charlie Strong train, which I didn't think anyone was as shitty of a coach than that guy.
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