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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. I see that dipshit on YouTube and I can't even listen to a single syllable. That guy is a chode eating fucktard
  2. I haven't had alcohol in 7 years. I guess I'll always be an alcoholic, but one day I just stopped. It was affecting my day to day life and work. I only occasionally have a Starbucks frappe (?), but my source of food is Red Bulls and Rockstar Focus. So to anyone who has stopped drinking, I applaud you.
  3. Hey guys. I have a lot going on. So let me start- My wife just told me she's having an affair with a guy she works with (who's a member of a cult) like you tell someone you need to mow the grass. Just casually. Then she started the divorce yesterday. She is my soul mate, and I'm fucking hurting from a couple of other things. My depression has been going on since my dad passed away 4 years ago on Aug 5th. My best friend zoom called me to let me know he came back positive for HIV, which he got from his gf who cheated on him. I'm broken. I find out not too long back my female cousin has something called Huntington's, which apparently has no cure. I just lost 2 of my best friends/fur babies in back to back years. I feel alone. I don't show emotion other than hunor, which is how I cope. The pain I'm experiencing is beyond measure, and I already suffer from OCD, and severe depression. I have so much shit on my plate and I've been having thoughts of just ending it all. I literally cannot take anymore of life. I miss my fur babies so much. We went everywhere together and I had them for 15 and 16 years. They got me through my dad's death. My mother is a narcissist who wouldn't even let me or my sisters say goodbye. He and my fur babies were the greatest things in my life, far beyond material success. Guys, I'm beyond broken. I don't know what to do. I already see a psychiatrist. I hate that I have no one to vent to. This is the most I have ever shown emotionally in my entire life except when I lost the aforementioned to my soon to be ex-wife. I don't know how to accept that they're gone. I can't just pack up their stuff and put it away. I hurt every single day of my life. I an man enough to admit I go to our guest bedroom to cry. I'm sorry for laying this out to y'all, but a fellow member directed me here.
  4. I think Florida can beat aggy. They're total dog shit on offense, and their defense has no depth. Their offensive line is one of, if not the worst in CFB. They have no skill position players worth a shit. Their db's are meh outside of Bryce Anderson. Their only good TE, Donovan Green, just came back from injury, so it's possible he won't even be healthy.
  5. I guess we're about to find out how improved our secondary is against Tory Horton. Dude is really good. I'd be lying if I said I weren't a little nervous.
  6. I try not to literally hate anyone, but I genuinely hate Charlie Strong, Steve Patterson, and Tom Herman.
  7. Gave $77m to man who looks like he eats beans straight out of the can, and hides his tarp so it won't get stolen because he needs it to keep the rain from soaking him.
  8. We may legit have the biggest offensive line in CFB in the coming years. It's no joke. Flood is finding literal giants and turning them into future NFL players.
  9. Ohio State doesn't seem to have any issues with loading up on 5 star WR's year after year, so why should we? May the best play. All I want for Christmas is Chris Henry Jr. Like MHJ, he's a generational talent.
  10. Watching his press conference he seemed amped about the season and looked amazing and happy. I doubt he's on the sauce, even with a divorce pending. He seemed like someone who finally got something off his back and is rejuvenated.
  11. How good is Chris Stewart? We always have dudes commit early and then dexommit (Raycine Guillory, Hunter Modden, etc). Is he really a guy that will stick, and is he good enough to pursue if he dexommits?
  12. Agree. I think this team is championship caliber. With Quinn leading the charge and all these fast WR's, we could mow through teams (sans Michigan, which will be a rock fight). Georgia is struggling worse than we are with their RB depth, and their #1 WR is gone. If we can exploit their defense (entirely plausible) then we will take it to 11.
  13. Exactly. That's why I was confused that he was even brought up. Fucking dumb. Obviously bar fight > breaking girl's face/kidnapping. Vince is such a bad person.
  14. That belt size can only go so far. He's gonna need some suspenders going forward. He's on that Mangino train pre-weight loss.
  15. I highly doubt Michael Terry will be there. I think Gerry alluded to them being out of it. It's between us and Nebraska with us projected to land him.
  16. Yeah. Both Chris Pine and Ben Foster were perfect. Just an all-around well made movie.
  17. Other than alcohol issues, maybe I missed it, but what did Vince do that's even remotely comparable to former sooners who have beat women, held them hostage with a screwdriver, etc?
  18. So happy for him. Dealing with injuries his first couple of seasons, thinking about retiring from the game, to now making the 53 man roster and making an impact. He deserves it all.
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