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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. Probably for the best. I was worried they would rush him too soon with his knee maybe not being 100%. More rest is good for him. Once he's 100% he'll do some serious damage and open up that putrid offense. Any idea how JT Sanders is looking for them?
  2. Absolutely amazing movie and scene. I completely forgot about the Pibb reference lol. POS rep
  3. I'm not a grape soda fan, but this is a pretty cool fact (if true).
  4. I just want to know if Sherrone Moore will be suspended for the first 7 games and take a loss to us, or take his suspension later and risk losing to kindergarter kisser Day.
  5. AJ Williams was a beast. Had a great interview on 3rd and Longhorn that was posted above. It's longer than their usual time, but it's worth it. Hearing Earl Thomas letting him crash in his dorm made me realize the brotherhood of UT. No other schools have that kind of brotherhood.
  6. It's never too soon. Just ask ou about that. They extended Venebals for another 6 years after his second season.
  7. I need advice, and I'm holding a lot of shit in. I know there are good people on here that can direct me to the right place. Please PM me, it's serious.
  8. I dint know why this made me chuckle as much as it did lol
  9. When football doesn't work out for Nash Jones, he can have a career as either a bounty hunter or Private Investigator
  10. Watched the game against Milton. That Milton team was absolutely dominant.
  11. Limas Sweed with the end zone TD dagger against tOSU in the Shoe at night
  12. I'm honestly surprised that shitty stadium hasn't collapsed with all that swaying. Unbelievable the beams are holding. I need to speak with the architect.
  13. The only thing I've heard of is a Moon Pie, and only because of Sam Rockwell in Green Mile. I've never had one, what are the? I have no idea what the rest is. Do they still make Sweetjuice Cola and Gruntsrick?
  14. What an amazing story. You should write a book about your nostalgia.
  15. You seem mad It's just a message Board, dude. If this is affecting your life, you might want to seek a psychiatrist.
  16. It boggles the mind that Bobby picked Michigan to beat us. I'm glad he's wrong.
  17. I'm telling y'all, we're flipping Myron Charles for sure, and maybe Wynn. We'll have 3 HS D-line commits, and then hit the portal for 2 more to go along with January, Hills, Bledsoe, Bryant, and Mitchell if he's not dead.
  18. I'm not taking a lawnmower apart for no reason, tho, so there's that.
  19. They're paid bots, and even they think he's a fucking moron.
  20. I really do think something is mentally wrong with him. The way he types, etc. Yeah, I know, he's aggy, but I think he may actually be intellectually disabled.
  21. He's still there. He ain't leaving until his retirement party in 2033.
  22. They managed to get 100 kids to watch them lose. Now that's impressive. Those 3 stars-coach em ups are gonna love the bat shit.
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