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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. The problem is, Sark has been building an SEC program since he got here. Hence why we'll be just fine.
  2. Hell no we aren't done. We still have Jaime Ffrench on the way! And then Lance Jackson will be a 5 star and Smith Orogbo, too. So that's five 5 stars that we know of. Plus we'll flip Myron Charles, and a few other surprises.
  3. I'll post it here, too. Both Bobby and Gerry said once he made his commitment he was done. None of this flipping bullshit. He's here for good. Hook Em, Jonah! 🤘
  4. The good news is both Bobby and Gerry said once he made his commitment he's sticking to it. None of this flipping bullshit, so he's in the class for good.
  5. Welcome to the 40 acres, Jonah! Hook Em 🤘 Fuck you, aggy. Fuck you, swamp aggy.
  6. My thoughts exactly. Good locker room guy, and an emergency back just in case. With our o-line he could put up the best numbers of his career.
  7. I would hope so. We scratched the bottom of the barrel for who we got. I don't even care to know his name other than Gardner. I doubt we ever see him, and that's fine with me.
  8. Anyone know if Camar Wheaton ever panned out, or is even their starting RB? I always found it interesting he left Bama for SMU. Did he not have any better offers outside of them? @ztejas
  9. Jordan Travis ans the RPO saved their asses. They also did have a really good defense.
  10. Any and all excuses to make themselves feel better, but deep down they know we have been recruiting SEC guys since Sark got here. They're shitting themselves right now.
  11. That's awesome. He seems like a genuinely nice kid, and I will also be rooting for him. He has all the tools to be successful, and now I know he and DeAndre Moore are absolute great kids. We're lucky to have those guys who also happen to be great football players.
  12. But whomever gets them in the playoffs gets an easy win and moves on.
  13. Well now I know I can get my meat trimmed just the way I like it
  14. He's gonna be a good one. His ranking is a tragedy because he should be a top-150 player in the country. Much like John Mills, he studies film, works on his weaknesses, and isn't afraid to do the dirty work.
  15. God I hope so. I do believe this is his last year before a slinks away and panders his bs to gullible people while avoiding the spoight for a year or 2. He's a charlatan, a Huckster. I hope he fails spectacularly.
  16. Myron Charles, Kevin Wynn, Javion Hilson to the Texas courtesy phone
  17. Do they want to awe at a school that actually sent their students to fight in WWII?
  18. Charles will flip since he wants to play with Sharma. Wynn will be a tough pull since he wants to be a chef, and I'm not sure we have that. Charles and Hilson seem to be get-able it looks like. But who knows, maybe Wynn can be landed. Those 3 with Sharma would be an epic haul. I think Jackson moves inside. He's already 265, so I think he is a candidate for inside. Sharma, Charles, Wynn, and Jackson would be top 3 best in the country for recruiting. Yep. I just saw at the bottom it's from June. Whatever, I'm not changing what I wrote since I think the staff is still on him.
  19. That doesn't suck. Considering he's "committed" to FSU, it looks like maybe Sark/Baker/Nansen/Banks/Flood can convince him to come to the 40. He's an elite talent, and pair him with Lance Jackson and Smith Orogbo and we're fucking killing QBs.
  20. Sark and Choice really should put out feelers to the GT RB's for next season in case Baxter, and especially Clark with his Achilles tear aren't ready. No way Clark will be. He may never be the same. We saw what happened to Johnathan Gray after he tore his. He was never the same. Yes, I realize this probably won't happen, it's a stupid pipe dream, but it would be a great insurance policy considering Blue is gone after this season, we'll have Wisner, who isn't a back who can run through tackles and will only get 10-12 touches and his skill is catching the ball and running to the outside. We're left with Gibson, Simon, and Stewart, and hopefully Baxter is healthy enough, but that's still 4 backs. We need 5 at the very least just in case. Maybe not the GT backs, but another back nonetheless.
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