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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. Dusty is actually competent and isn't a bad listen at all. He's not some Longhorn hater. He actually gives us props. He's not the same dumbass as he was in college. The man grew up, realized he was a moron, and has been good to listen to during games. He's very tolerable and knows how to diagnose plays. Sooner or not, I like the dude as a commentator.
  2. I edited my post because it was hyperbole. It was a stupid post on my part even when I was kidding mostly. Quinn had a pretty decent game, Stockton came in for like 3 series, so obviously I wouldn't literally take him over Quinn. Quinn has 31 starts, regardless of his shortcomings. He's still better than frosh/RS frosh.
  3. I'll take USC in this one. Better offense and an improved defense. Plus aggy has no offense, anyway. If they still had Moss I would take aggy, but alas, they don't.
  4. I'm interested to see if Mukuba knows their offense enough to let the defense know what's coming. I like Wesco and hope he gets covered well end that he's not a factor, but mainly I'm curious to see how/if Mukuba can diagnose their offense.
  5. The thing about Quinn is he's an enigma because he's always hurt, he's not that tall and he weighs 195. If he were able to stay healthy maybe we see a different player, but as of now we'll never know. He's just frail. It sucks that he's always hurt because there's a part of me that believes he would tear it up. He clearly has a gifted arm, but it makes no difference when you can't step into the box and find your receivers, or even move your abdominal ands top throwing off your back foot.
  6. Alright, I admit it was a bit hyperbole. It was stupid to even say it. You're right, because no one knows how he would have done had he actually started and went through the game. But I was impressed with what little time he had. Quinn had a pretty good game, but we need more from him. I don't know if he's still hurt, or if he is what he is. I just keep expecting more from him every game. Maybe in 2 weeks he'll ball out and face fuck Clemson (God that would be delicious).
  7. Exactly. We don't know how he would have done had he started the game, but he was damn good for what was asked of him.
  8. I'm just saying he looked pretty damn good for what was asked of him.
  9. Who is aggy playing in the playoffs? Whats that? They can't even make it to the 12 team expanded playoffs? Bwahahaha
  10. Stockton was damn good when he came in. I'd take him over Quinn any day as my QB. That kid has moxie. I don't dislike Quinn at all, but he's not a gamer. Like others have said, he just loafs out there, then comes back and sits down. Stockton came in and was dealing. That's exactly what Arch is foj g to do, but better. Edit: It's mainly hyperbole. I have no idea how Stockton would have done had he started. I wouldn't actually take him over Quinn. It was retarded on my part to even say it. Just wanted to get that out of the way.
  11. I'm laughing way too hard at this because it's true.
  12. Masaaaaaaan, I want a shot at Oregon just to see Mukuba lay the wood on Evan Stewart and Colin Simmons, Sorrell, and Ant fuck up Gabriel.
  13. Saw his video on OTF and he seems lie a dude who's already bought in and knows his role. If he saw DeAndre Moore tonight he has to be ecstatic
  14. Brian Kelly ruins program - News at 11
  15. Bruh, you have a coat tail of haters? Welcome to hell in my world lol. Although, I don't kmow about you, but it makes me giddy getting the hate from the top when they have to openly admit they have to put me.on ignore. It's a fascinating journey, but like Hunter S. Thompson said
  16. I would agree, except he's on the same trajectory as Thompson. We were fed bullshit like always, which is why we should always take whatever the $9.95s' with a grain of salt.
  17. Gilbeau is, uh, kinda bad for a junior. I'm afraid he's treading into Jerrim Thompson territory.
  18. I don't know about "sucks", but he's pretty mid, especially with the talent he's surrounded with.
  19. The only thing I truly dislike about Quinn is 1) his acting, and 2) that stupid fucking side arm throw like he's Mahomes
  20. Auburn is definitely at the top of the list
  21. Trust me, do yourself a favor and don't do it.
  22. The word "chit". They say that all the time on TexAgs because cursing is the debils language
  23. We have one game where Helm was barely involved and that's on Banks? Come on, man. That's a Quinn issue not readimg his routes. I saw Helm open at least 3 times.
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