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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. #28 has some titties I would like to motorboat
  2. Can't wait to watch our QB of the future. I expect Lacey to end up transferring, which gives Owens and Bell a few years apart.
  3. Red fucking sucked. People's fascination with Red being adequate as a RB is on par with Major Applewhite was a better QB than Chris Simms. He can't even start at at Nevada, but people wring their hands over him not being here. Stahp.
  4. Wrong. It's now $16.99+ for that shit hole place for their "scoops"
  5. He may end up in the top 100 when all is said and done. Rankings are always moving. OL in particular are the most egregious when having people rank them.
  6. Leave Flood alone. He's a chubby chaser, and that's OK.
  7. What a great movie. Seriously, cannot recommend this enough.
  8. This dude may go to prison for murder once he gets his hands on you. I'm here for it.
  9. Welcome to the 40, Nick! Hook Em, big guy! 🤘
  10. A couple of days ago someone on OTF YouTube asked if Jonah Williams would make an impact like Ant Hill, and both Gerry and Bobby intimated that Jonah is a freak and is on par with Ant and would make that kind of impact, FWIW
  11. Letting them down easy. Brauny making that easy money by calming the sea of sheep. He knows it's Texas or LSU, with Texas being the likely destination.
  12. Not a single person in our FF draft this evening drafted him lulz. Someone took Worthy in the first round, and Mitchell was taken at some point.
  13. Toby Gerhart out of Stanford, sir. He was pretty, pretty good.
  14. Dude, that would be most epic. Kid is a generational talent, and I'm tired of those morons in Ohio getting these guys. Give that kid $2m and let's go.
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if it were Bill Hicks when he was alive. Rest in peace to that legend.
  16. I think Jackson will be a beast for them. He's gonna be a problem, for sure.
  17. "Were not taking a body to take a body" Folks, meet Velton Gardner! I feel like Jerrick Gibson will be a pleasant surprise for us this season. His coming out game will be against Michigan. Blue to the outside, Gibson through the tackles, and Wisner to the slot. We have the weapons to make UM panic. We are disgustingly loaded at WR outside of Ohio State. Since Orji is an unproven commodity, our D will feast knowing they'll rely on the run 90% of the time. Load the box, keep the safeties close, and let our DB'S do man, and we should come away victorious.
  18. We have the roster to compete, now we gotta see if we have the coach to help them succeed.
  19. Jesus Christ. That room temperature IQ tard brings up the monkey thing in literally anything involving Banks. It's like he has it ready to go. Take a look at anything he's written about the program and you'll see a pattern. He's a total moron. It's like he wants people's attention and does get,but keeps trying over and over and over in hopes someone will talk about it or re-tweet it. He's been trying since 2021, and no one cares. But he's too dense to realize it.
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