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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. Swoopes and/or DJ Grant as our TE'S now would be good. If I recall, Grant had really good hands, but was criminally under used. Swoopes played in the league as a TE, and he's athletically gifted as anything other than QB. It would be nice. He has a bright future ahead of him in football, and I can't wait to see him grow.
  2. USC will suck, Utah will win the Big XII, LSU lost their OC, so it might set them back a year (no idea who Kelly replaced Denbrock with), ou will get hammered with Arnold as their starter (turnover machine), UM will beast out on D, and I can see them in the playoffs and they are more than capable of giving Day a mushroom tattoo on his forehead for the 4th year in a row. Who knows with Clemson? Easy conference, especially with FSU looking like they could win 8-9 or go 6-6. Klubnik is average, and Riley is meh, their D will keep them in every game.
  3. Davis can be a monster in the backfield, especially with pass protection. He'll lay the wood. Plus he's so athletic that he played everywhere and he has the want-to. Great teammate, good player, just let him do his thing, even if it's just pass pro.
  4. I really believe Gibson will breakout this season. He's the most ready of the frosh RBs, and he can lay punishment up the middle, along with finding holes (that's what she said). Perfect opportunity to show what he's got. We're fine right now. Maybe for laughs sprinkle in some Colin Page at the goal line.
  5. Get him every year in fantasy and all he does is put up 25+ points each week. But he and Wingo are built way differently. Deebo is built more like a slot, a la Moore
  6. I still think we should see how Juan Davis does. He has great hands and I believe he played everywhere in HS as an ATH.
  7. Time to start recruiting 3 RB's every cycle until Cfb can be played in space.
  8. Oregon ahead of Texas is a fucking joke. Shocker.
  9. Just watched The Beekeeper for the first time last night on Prime, and it was a great movie. I am biased as I like pretty much all Jason Statham movies, but I can admit when his movies are trash. But, Beekeeper was fucking great. My only issue with it is the writer when Jeremy Irons tells his crew they're tier 1 operators, and then says "Seal Team Six" instead of their actual name of DEVGRU. Just a minor annoyance, but the fight scenes were fantastic. Plus Josh Hutcherson ad a douche was great!
  10. I don't know either. I thought I was taking crazy pills when he said the name was at the top but I still don't see a name...
  11. No, but apparently he's been looking around, and Husan is up next in the batters box.
  12. When that chef brings out the mat and he starts saying why he wanted to be a chef before...I was like, damn. I love the humor, especially John Leguizamo. And hell, seeing Judith Light after that 80s show with Tony Danza, she still looks great. The bros were great, too lol.
  13. Might be the aggy commit, Husan Longstreet. I know USC is on him pretty hard. That would be delicious.
  14. Man, I wish I had some blow money. I should really budget better...
  15. Would Shilo even get drafted at this point? That entire family is poison.
  16. Well fuck me, then. I thought he was 48. Regardless, I doubt it's Sark. Mea culpa
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