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Funk Doctor Spock

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Funk Doctor Spock

  1. 3 hours ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

    OMG I'm an idiot. B12CG. But point stands, finishing a 13-1 season with back-to-back wins over OU and aggy would be fucking epic.

    Aggy? How are we going to play a team that isn't even in the same stratosphere as us? They'll be lucky to make the wipe my ass bowl against Bowling Green.

  2. 11 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    So what you're saying is that we should root for Hamm to be Hamm because it inevitably helps our cause.

    Absolutely. It wouldnt hurt to have more bathroom accidents, and maybe throw in some stalking. The lies will sort themselves out.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Scholz said:

    Hope Zach saw that wheel route TD Sam threw to T.Watson this weekend.

    I'm sure it was mentioned to him, but they gotta have suspense. Right now it's too early to tell with Evans. He doesn't need the Jimbo bullshit, and now that he's seen Hammwise pull his stupidity about announcing to the aggys, he got his first taste idiocy.

  4. People need to stop conceding losses to aggy on the recruiting front. We did this Brandon Jones, Malcom Brown, Malik, Jeffrey M, Kris Boyd, etc. Win and it solves problems. You know what we have going for us? Winning and aggy losing. Let them have this year. Next year will prove Jimbo is a fraud. Keep winning and use the recruits you do have to win like Tom is doing. Tom is proving that he can win with just about anyone. Jimbo will get annually raped by Bama, LSU, Barn, and anyone with a modicum of talent. We have OU, Okie lite, and WV. Tom is proving he can win.

     relax and all will work itself out. Kids, especially in-state kids will want to play for a winner and get their draft stock raised. Alliswell.gif

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Texasborn91 said:

    Is that Kyler Murray’s first ever loss as a starting QB? Like at any level? 

    As a starter, yes. He went something like 43-0 in high school. But in life? Lol, no. Aggy and ou. It was predetermined he would fail in life due to his choices in schools.

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  6. Good evening to everyone who isn't a pussy sooner or an aggy in general. Also fuck off to those who think the sky is falling. It's not. We still have work to do, but this victory just showed them they can and will win.  Fuck TCU (their cheerleaders literally), fuck OU, and fuck anyone else in our way to the playoffs.


    God I love drinking.

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