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Burnt Ends
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Spider2YBanana last won the day on October 16 2021

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  1. I doubt Fasusi ends up in Norman. Flood is a great recruiter and I can see him pulling Fasusi and Turntine. Players get injured all the time, and if Fasusi ends up flaming out we have Turntine who's a freak (apparently)
  2. Yep. Hunter Modden (who as far as I know still doesn't have a college) Guillory Hampton And many others. I can't take these early commits seriously, either. I have no idea why Sark and Co take them outside of QB. Especially RBs and WRs.
  3. I believe it was Gerry the other day who said aggy didn't do enough to feel good about him and that Texas has the lead. Let him go the Ant Hill route and just rush the passer to get him on the field. He's a guy who can make a difference. He's on not Hill, but who is? He is, however, good enough to let him loose like that. I would be very sad if we took Madden over Pettijohn. He and Barnes together would be freakish.
  4. Why? Debore is a really, really good coach who has done more with less his entire career. Players and recruits know this. Now he's gonna get good/great players and continue the train. He won't be Saban level great, but no one will be. But he'll be a pain in the ass to recruit against. I was really hoping Justice Haynes would hit the portal, but he's gonna be a dude for them this coming season.
  5. if you're a heterosexual and like women in chaps, then yeah. If you like retards who scream at an opposing coach about a murder-suicide and milkmen prancing around and doing cult hands signals and making weird noises, then he knew the entire time he had to move on quickly. He knew 3 years of weirdos and psychos was enough for him.
  6. The worst part is most "claim" to live in Austin, yet they don't move because it's so shitty?
  7. I hope those 2 dweebs show up again and get kicked out of their own stadium.
  8. I'd hate fuck her, that's for sure. So long as she doesn't utter a single syllable
  9. Aggy 2%er: You have a wrong perspective on this Aggy 98%er: You are being incredibly obtuse. Schloss clearly threw the series.
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