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hookem48 last won the day on September 12 2021

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About hookem48

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  1. hookem48


    Everybody involved in the country category owes Zack Top an apology.
  2. Having enough money that being fat is more important than $116,000,000.00 must be pretty damn nice.
  3. So much for that boring Sunday before the super bowl, thanks Mavs, you fucking idiots. Lol
  4. Only time I ever enjoyed watching women's golf was back when Dottie would scream and holler at her caddy who I believe was her husband.
  5. So you'll be calling out Horns fans for bitching about the refs cheating now?
  6. Looked like a 6 year old girl trying to catch a football.
  7. They thought running wide was a better idea.
  8. He was pretty good when he had a NFL team in college.
  9. Throw it to the slowest receiver you have
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