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Everything posted by hookem48

  1. How fucking stupid, you gotta delay that shit, might as well ran a fullback dive
  2. Someone will be wide open in the end zone
  3. too rough a tackle, should be a penalty
  4. Kudos to UGA, don't mean shit though and even Kirby said as much.
  5. they were pissed and then made a business decision just like our guys would have done if we didn't get in. This isn't Surly dipshits playing their last high school game.
  6. the committee thought Georgia would beat Bama and everything would be wrapped up in a nice bow, but Bama fucked it all up. SEC was getting in no matter what and we all know it. Committee shoud have dropped FSU the week before if they were going to go that route. But obviously we've been through all this.
  7. They had no shot in hell without their QB and they all knew it, we knew it, everyone knew it. You want to call them quitters then call our guys quitters too.
  8. did we have guys quit before our bowl last year? Were they drafted?
  9. Come back a year from now and it will be back to normal, saw em off will replace all the SEC stickers everywhere.
  10. Also the biggest excuse making team ever.
  11. Call some timeouts now you fat fuck.
  12. There's no building on anything that happened there. What a crock of shit.
  13. All the starters still in the game. Fucking embarrassing
  14. Kick a field goal you pussies
  15. Trying to get Dark stats is pathetic as it can get. Damn I aggied the aggy thread.
  16. Well 3 out of the last 4 passes should have been picked. Nice job
  17. At least there's some time to get Dak some stats.
  18. Some days you're the windshield and some days you're the bug.
  19. Got away with a facemask there
  20. didn't know that.
  21. he was a badass
  22. Twirlers, actual talent, now just some fat chicks waving fucking flags around.
  23. damn the Titans must hate their punter
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