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Everything posted by hookem48

  1. Gunnar is a nice story but couldn't/wouldn't block and it killed us many times.
  2. Can I get an interior oline to create a passing lane for my qb at least twice a game? Is that too much to fucking ask? Well it was this year.
  3. yea having Bijan make 3 people miss in the backfield every other carry covered up a lot.
  4. Tenn just didn't seem to be that nervous about actually losing the game
  5. every time I watch Texas it looks like 5 guys that just met playing together
  6. just slamming in free throws
  7. choking free throws since ever
  8. Chip Kelly couldn't get the best receiver in the country open last night.
  9. is Dicker dead?
  10. Hayden Conner blocking like it's an extra point kick. lol
  11. he should do it then
  12. Hill is flat out terrible in coverage, maybe worse than terrible, he's still getting praise because of the Bama game last year.
  13. what if he covered the running back on the screen pass
  14. the sideline the play was going to, only so much you can see from the fucking sideline that far away.
  15. the passing lanes he had that we never fucking have is the most frustrating thing of all.
  16. then he tried to block with his helmet and not use his hands lol
  17. too bad we were on the other sideline
  18. Pretty amazing the worst defensive play ever and the worst block ever in the same game.
  19. Sark wants to run the ball, run screens and throw deep, oline couldn't run block for shit and running backs out all year, receivers refused to block on screens so we completely quit running them, and Ewers can't throw deep but we still damn near made the championship game. Might be fun when we can actually do that shit. and yet this thread would be the same. lol
  20. not as intentional as that dick head olineman after a play was dead, that was just fucking dirty and tried to hurt someone.
  21. when Jalen Hurts got concussed a couple weeks ago and the camera zoomed in he and Arch had the exact concussed look in their eyes.
  22. pretty sure they were the #1 defense
  23. what if Barron wraps up the tight end on 3rd down, they don't go for it on 4th and 7, they punt.
  24. with his experience he should have called a timeout.
  25. I know it was Conner at center but didn't Arch fumble the snap the only time he was under center this year?
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