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About PhillyHorn1

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  1. Philly Style roast pork sandwich. Couldn't find broccoli rabe so used broccolini.
  2. Saying all this I forgot the X-Man. Go Worthy. Best Chief's player, dude is a beast
  3. Fuck you. And fuck Mahomes. You could hear the cheer from our party when that Kermit bitch got hit from space. I'm sure this will get negged so fuck y'all too. (Not an eagles fan but I was last night)
  4. Can we delete this thread and get him gone?
  5. So quinn threw a piss poor pass to his to his friend... some pete rose vibes.
  6. I feel like the last play from him encapsulated his time. I appreciate what he's done. But he has never cleared the hill.
  7. Sark might be regarded...
  8. He needs to leave. Go fuck up another team.
  9. Fuck, everyone. I hope quinn goes, I hope sark realizes he's a fucking moron, and I hope we find A FUCKING RUNNING GAME
  10. I won't watch it but go ND. Fuck the bitches from Columbus. I will always hate you and cheer against you.
  11. Can we haz Arch for a drive? Quinn is doing ok when he has time but keeps stepping into the blitz or just a random dlineman. Also, can we fucking run the fucking ball on first down.
  12. This is my thought as well. But, I'd bet my life on it getting called on us.
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