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Ghost of LL

Certifiably Surly
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Ghost of LL last won the day on February 11 2021

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16002 Surly 1%

About Ghost of LL

  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  1. In a related question--how is every major interchange in the state under construction all at the same time? It's amazing how I drive around, and there are these massive ramps that will run two miles long from an interchange being built. Why? And many of these interchanges are pretty new. I just don't get it.
  2. So we lost the Tariff War in less time than it took Iraq to lose the ground war in the first Gulf War? Sounds about right.
  3. And good luck getting a free agent to sign in Dallas in the future now that they know how ownership is going to treat them.
  4. In Antiquity, the Romans regarded Scandinavia as the “womb of peoples”—the place of origin of so many Germanic tribes that migrated south to cause the Romans difficulty along their frontiers. In much the same way, I regard Minnesota as the “womb of washed-up defensemen who can’t reasonably contribute as Top-4 blue-liners.”
  5. That’s the only way this makes sense to me—as the preliminary step in engineering a move that Dallas as a city and fan base would be fine with in the expectation that Dallas would quickly get a replacement.
  6. We need to normalize switching professional-franchise loyalty. I did it when Cuban sold the team and reverted back to my childhood Spurs loyalty. You can, too. You don’t owe the Mavs shit. And if they’re going to decide to be shitty (and probably be shitty in Vegas), who stick with them?
  7. Generic Hockey Player is consistently the funniest voter going because it is such a dead-on-balls-accurate impersonation of Jamie Benn. Like, it really might be Jamie Benn calling in.
  8. Credit here for the display of a modicum of self-awareness. It's oddly refreshing in an internet discussion.
  9. In complete fairness--and I really can't believe you're making me stick up for Ted fuckface Cruz--it's only five slots. And the slots haven't yet been activated. So Cruz's advocacy for five additional slots didn't have anything to do with this crash. Goddamnit--now I need a fucking shower.
  10. I mean, a chance? Sure. But not terribly likely I wouldn’t think. Much more likely a pilot fuck-up.
  11. My son is a sophomore. He's a good student. I mean, real good. He has a GPA that's north of 4.0 at Westlake. At the same time, he's not the valedictorian or anything like that. So I was surprised when I got home yesterday and saw a promotional mailer to him from Columbia. I mean, I didn't know an Ivy League school sent out mailers to high school students. I mean, no Ivy League school ever sent any promotional materials to me when I was in high school. But anyway--and not to take anything away--I couldn't help wonder whether this had something to do with Columbia having been a shitshow for the past year. I don't know what their application numbers look like, but I wonder if they haven't seen a material decrease.
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