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Ghost of LL

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ghost of LL

  1. Harris and Walz are starting to do local-affiliate interviews, which is really smart. For one thing, you get generally softer questions from interviewers who are less experienced and maybe a bit intimidated by interviewing a VPOTUS. Second, there's an implied message in there that "this candidate cares enough about me and my community that she/he is taking time to talk to us on our local television station." Third, it's more targeted--you can talk about how important it is to you to do the local thing for the local project that is going to benefit a bunch of these local people. CNN and CNBC is a fucking waste of time. People who watch those stations are doing so for entertainment; they've already made up their minds whom they're voting for. The one national platform that I still think it's worthwhile to do an interview on is 60 Minutes. The ratings for that show is still bonkers. That post-football timeslot on Sunday evening is the closest thing we still have to a national television appointment.
  2. Well that’ll bring Thanksgiving dinner to a screeching halt right away, won’t it? Thank you in advance for getting me back in front of the television in a timely fashion.
  3. Mobile site works great. Any thoughts on an auto-refresh?
  4. Jesus Christ--that first guy is 65? Really? And Laura Loomer is . . . 31? Tha fuck? Did everyone just contract Benjamin Button Disease or something?
  5. I don't want to record the fucking game. I want to watch the fucking games as they are happening like a normal fucking human. And I want to be able to flip between games easily. And, most importantly, I want to watch these fucking games with no pop-up commercials in the middle of a play and with no weird beeping in the background. Yeah--that experience last night trying to watch the Texas State/Arizona State game and the NFL game at the same time was absolutely infuriating. It has both me and Mrs.LL (who was very YTTV-curious) ready to get rid of it the second ESPN comes back on DTV.
  6. I was on the phone with my father-in-law earlier this week, and I was absolutely flabbergasted by how he spoke of Trump and his supporters. His comment in summation was, "I just don't understand how people can be that stupid." And that's shocking for two reasons: 1) his brother (whom he very much loves) is a huge MAGAt, and 2) I'm reasonably certain he voted for Trump in 2016. I'm not exactly sure what happened along the way. Maybe it was the disparagement of the military--my FIL was a Ranger in Vietnam. Maybe it was the mishandling of COVID; he and my MIL did everything right during the pandemic. But whatever it was, I'm happy for it. Even happier for the fact that he lives in North motherfucking Carolina.
  7. Note to my fellow lawyers: this is how you do rebuttal.
  8. That was exactly my experience, too. There was plenty of horns down, but it was never particularly confrontational. And the guys we were in line with to get into the stadium asked (after doing the requisite horns down) whether it pissed us off. For my part, I answered with a shrug; the Longhorn fan next to me indicated that it was more annoying to him. I relayed how we were in Omaha a few years ago with Mobilehoma, aggy, and the Domers and all three teams were doing horns down even when playing each other. And that's dumb. But it also reflects that Sark is right that some people hate us more than they love themselves. And that observation put a quick end to any horns down nonsense. Really, it just seems like it's something they see other teams' fans doing that's kind of fun and you might as well get in on it when you have the opportunity. Another guy I was chatting with while in line for a beer . . . and at this point you might get the correct impression that standing in lines is a central part of the gameday experience at Michigan Stadium . . . noted that they were going to Norman next year and they were "trying to decide who was the Michigan and who was the Ohio State in that rivalry." I just laughed. My dude--I'm going to poison that particular well. You'll find out in due course. Anyway--I had far more good chats with far more people than I ever have had at any away game.
  9. Huh. Interesting. Like maybe with ten schools? Maybe just eight. Or maybe even with 12. I could see that working.
  10. No, but the PA announcer helpfully told us to drive safely and remind us that State Street would run one way all the way to the interstate after the game. I somehow refrained from asking the Michigan fans around me whether it was customary to make that announcement with 8:30 left in the fourth quarter.
  11. For some reason, that didn't stand out to me at the game. But thinking on it now, I don't know why it didn't. It just seemed so natural that there shouldn't be any billboards. A few other observations on Michigan Stadium and the atmosphere: Michigan fans are unfailingly cool: Around both Detroit and Ann Arbor all weekend, we didn't have a single interaction with anybody that wasn't positive. Yeah--they're very proud of their school. I mean, people think we're arrogant; they've never met the Michigan fanbase. But even so, they were uniformly pleasant, gracious, and informed. Michigan Stadium isn't quiet: I had the expectation that it would be a pretty sedate atmosphere, both because of the fanbase and because of the stadium architecture. But at least through the first quarter, the crowd was really very loud. I'm not saying it was the loudest place I've ever been, but it was definitely louder than most. And the addition of the giant suite complexes on both sides really keeps the sound in. The Eyes of Texas was really loud after the game as the sound bounced between the suites. The hype video is great: I mean, you know it's going to be great when it starts with James Earl Jones (RIP) putting on his headphones. But it also includes a fair amount of academic hype. And that's something we ought to have a little more of. We have nine Nobel laureates and a couple Turing recipients on faculty and a bunch more as alumni. That's shit we ought to have on the jumbotron. On the game: Fuck deferring to the second half: We won the toss and elected to receive. That's really out of fashion these days, because it eliminates the chance of getting a late score in the first half and then getting the ball back in the second. And it puts you in a bad spot if you come out and go three-and-out to start the game, which frequently happens in a tough game on the road. It set a tone and conveyed a message, and we went out and marched right down the field and should have had a TD. There was real "it don't make a shit" energy about that. Our OL is huge: Television doesn't really convey how big and fast these guys are. But when you see it in person against another top team, it's kind of astonishing. Arch is a man: You just see him in warm-ups, and it's clear that he's a pro. Even the Michigan fans were noting it. And by halftime, the Michigan fans around me were hoping Arch would go in just so they could see the show. I told them that we don't put Arch in just to hand off; if he goes in, he's running the offense. But that's what they were hoping for--they wanted to see Arch sling some passes.
  12. I don't think there have ever been as many Stetsons at DTW at one time as there were this morning.
  13. Yesterday—I’m up here in Michigan with everyone else this weekend.
  14. Jesus—SMU’s offensive line is terrible.
  15. Holy shit—I’m in a swing state. So many Kamala ads. Actually some good positive ads.
  16. Yeah--I get ESPN+. But that doesn't give me actual ESPN. So I could watch two D3 teams on ESPN+, but couldn't watch Florida State because it was on ESPN.
  17. Well, it brings one vote in Wyoming. Which I believe is something like 2% of the electorate in that state.
  18. WTF has happened in Wisconsin? I have thought over the last eight years that it was the least secure of the Blue Wall states. But polling over the past six weeks has consistently had it as the most secure (occasionally showing it outside the MOE, as is the case here). What's up with that? Pennsylvania is always close, but it almost always comes home for the Dems. I suspect it'll be the same here--five points feels high. If Harris wins it by more than three points, I'd be surprised. Pennsylvania is not more Dem than Michigan. It's just not. And I don't want to hear any bullshit about Dearborn; Harris is not going to run three points in Pennsylvania ahead of where she is in Michigan.
  19. Ghost of LL

    BC @ FSU

    We’re all focusing on DJ, but that’s unfair. This entire team is awful. The WRs can’t catch for shit. The offensive line is opening no holes and getting absolutely no push for their mediocre running backs. The DL is getting blown off the ball; they’re giving up 8 ypc or so (by my guess). They’re just terrible in every phase.
  20. Ghost of LL

    BC @ FSU

    Let’s not sleep in the fact that DJU’s receivers aren’t doing him any favors. They’re every bit as bad as he is.
  21. Ghost of LL

    BC @ FSU

    DJU still has a higher QB rating than Conner Weigman
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