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Ghost of LL

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ghost of LL

  1. Goddamn Big 12 refs.
  2. Just amazing. And what a change in the SEC from when Alabama and LSU would play 7-3 games.
  3. We live in a universe in which my Ponies are going to beat Florida State by more than the Longhorns beat…you know what—don’t even fucking worry who the Longhorns played. We’re watching SM fucking U kick the shit out of Florida State. Unreal.
  4. The SMU Band mockingly playing the war chant is the content I’m here for.
  5. Buncha fucking appellate lawyers arguing standard of review all of a sudden.
  6. That was fantastic!
  7. Thank you for your forbearance.
  8. Wrong—the DB really didn’t touch the WR. The WR launched himself backwards to try to get the flag because he knew there was no way he was going to get to that ball because it was so badly under thrown.
  9. Make-up call.
  10. What a shitty call.
  11. F-15s. Watched them from my office. I'm really enjoying the new "fly-bys need some practice" thing we've got going on. Last week, the Apaches practiced on both Thursday and Friday.
  12. Dude--I'm a quarter Texan-German. I'm quite familiar with the history. But if you think I'm going to let a small thing like facts get in the way of a quality shitpost on Surly, . . . well, friend--you just haven't been paying attention.
  13. Huh. You mean to tell me that a small Texas town populated heavily by the descendants of people who came from Germany in the late 19th Century might have some political opinions that are maybe a bit pro-authoritarian and anti-racial-equality? Wow, I mean . . . I just wouldn't've ever guessed.
  14. I doubt he could afford a ticket.
  15. You know, I really don't like the A's and I think their fans are garbage. But damned if I'm not more than a little sad. Garbage though they may be--this is some bullshit. No fanbase deserves this.
  16. Not much anymore. I do general litigation (including covenants not to compete, which is the case I'm involved in as I sit here in a Zoom hearing). But I don't really do a lot of employment counseling anymore.
  17. Are you getting that from the website or from a sales person? If the former, you ought to pick up the phone and call them—those guys work on commission, and they want to put you in this new Buick today.
  18. By the way, with your trip coming up you ought to call and see if they have any upgrades available. With the upgraded suite, you get the premium wifi and free dry cleaning (as you noted). And the free dry cleaning really helps cut down on how much you have to pack.
  19. So in my neighborhood, which is pretty consistently 2/3rds Democratic, I've seen two Trump signs. One is a handwritten sign of crazy. The other is a campaign sign just next to the old beater pick-up truck in the driveway that is really very incongruous with the neighborhood. A quick thought on that Trump sign, if you haven't seen those campaign signs. It's blue, for one. And that strikes me as odd in a world in which red has become the universally understood color of the GQP. But for another, the font size is very small. Shockingly small for something that says "TRUMP" on it. It almost implies a certain shame--"I'm putting out this yard sign, but I don't actually want to advertise that I'm voting for that guy." There are houses in the neighborhood that always have their GQP campaign signs out, no matter whether the candidate at the top of the ticket is Trump or Cruz or Abbott, but which don't have anything right now. Maybe it's just too early. I don't know. And I think all this is meaningless. But it's interesting to observe on an otherwise-slow Wednesday.
  20. It warms the heart.
  21. This is the right decision, based on how you described yourself. As to the butler, I think it varies very much by cruise line. On Norwegian, the butler is a person who is going to deliver the room service and can work things out for you with restaurant reservations or shore excursions--kind of a concierge-type person. On a more upscale cruise line (e.g., Silversea), the butlers are actually trained to be butlers. That means they'll unpack your shit and put it in drawers or hanging in the closet when you arrive. If you can't tie a fucking bowtie (I'm telling on myself here), they'll help you out getting dressed for a formal night. If you need gifts for the office, they'll run into town during a stop and pick up a bunch of shit from a local shop (I might be telling on myself again). If you have a question and you don't know whom else to ask (e.g., "I want caviar on the table here every evening at 5:30--is that doable?"), you ask the butler. And the night before you leave, you can have the butler pack you up while you're at dinner (and they do it with very nice tissue paper--much better than I've ever packed myself).
  22. So if this is true, then UNLV is going to have a real problem attracting recruits going forward. You break one of these agreements, and that makes you a risk. Alabama can get by with being a risk--they're putting guys in the NFL, and that's where the real money is anyway. But UNLV? The guys they're attracting aren't playing in the NFL. For almost all of them, this is the last time they'll ever see a dime for playing football. So if signing with UNLV means you're risking not getting paid anything, the price (and the demand for up-front payment) is going to go up. And that's really bad for UNLV's program. If this is not true, then UNLV (or its boosters, to satisfying immamac's legalisms) have the receipts. And that's not only going to limit Sluka's chances of transferring for fear of a tampering charge, it's also going to raise legal concerns for a breach-of-contract suit or an IRS issue. Bottom Line: someone's coming out of this fucked. And it may be both parties, really.
  23. It's not just that nobody feels bad for him. It's the the reaction of a lot of people--myself included--was "good." Fuck Brett Favre--he stole money from kids on welfare. He was strong; they were weak. So he stole their money. And he defrauded the taxpayers to do so. He's a piece of shit, and I hope he suffers a lot on his way to an early grave on which I will gleefully piss.
  24. Yeah--I agree with that. And by way of full disclosure, we didn't really talk Georgia in any depth individually. His commentary was "Arizona and Georgia." And since I was so surprised by his Arizona take, I focused much more on that. But you're right that Georgia likely has some of the same challenges Pennsylvania has with respect to Black men. I think this goes to what we're seeing in the polling--Harris is doing materially better than Hillary or Biden did among whites (particularly among college-educated whites), and materially worse among Blacks and Hispanics. It's kind of an interesting de-racialization of the vote. In the last six weeks of the campaign, it strikes me that Harris has her work cut out for her among Hispanics and Black men. But I think she's maybe better positioned to make up ground with those groups than Trump is to make up ground with college-educated whites. But that's just a pretty uninformed sense that's not based on any actual data. This coupled with the de-racialization of the voting patterns (Harris maybe doing better among whites in Wisconsin and Trump doing better among Hispanics in California) may be behind a possible reduction/elimination of the Republican advantage in the Electoral College that the current polling kind of hints at. We'll see. But for the time being, it's interesting to speculate about.
  25. I don't recall specifically talking about Wisconsin. I think it fell under the general "fine" feeling for Michigan.
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