I just can't right now. It's amazing.
I don't think this could have been done in a way that was any more publicly humiliating to aggy. I'm trying to think of how, and I really can't come up with it. They manage to get themselves to the biggest stage in college baseball, and of course they lose. And before the spotlight shifts, we enter from off-stage and step directly into the spotlight, rob them and knock them down, and then walk off the stage as the spotlight follows us, never to return to aggy. Aggy is left laying on the ground. In the dark.
But that's the public part.
Equally amazing is the "private" part of it--what they're saying in their conversations among themselves. They've actually worked themselves into a conspiracy theory whereby Schloss has been a secret Longhorn agent who . . . and I'm still trying to understand this . . . got them to the National Championship series with the intent . . . again--I'm still trying to understand this . . . of losing. But aside from the incomprehensibility of it all, think about the psychological trauma this evidences. They genuinely think that we're in a position that is so superior to them that we would (and, more importantly, could) pay off their coach to throw a national championship. It's insane. But it's in equal part just . . . really sad.
And by "sad," I mean fucking awesome and amazing to behold.
I just can't right now. It's too much. Even for me. I mean, it's like if you gave Robert Downey Jr. a roll-aboard full of cocaine in 1997. I mean, he would want to do it all in one sitting. He'd probably try to do so. But really, it's just so goddamned much that even I can't do that much aggy misery in one night.