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Ghost of LL

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ghost of LL

  1. Are you coming down with dementia? Because you have sat across the table from me at Scholtz's and agreed that it has the best Rueben in Austin. And that conversation wasn't that long ago.
  2. Just so long as the new Russian Civil War kills a whole bunch of Russians on all sides, I really don't care.
  3. The ice cream sandwich is where you taste just how bad Blue Bell is. As it starts to melt, all you can taste is the processed. It’s just gross.
  4. Ice cream sandwich. That's right--I'm choosing chaos this afternoon.
  5. No, you don't. You have evidence from which you can infer that he wanted the SecState to commit election fraud. But you don't have him saying "commit election fraud." And that's important, because Trump would argue that when he wanted to Raffensberger to "find" another 11,000 votes, he was referring to votes that he believed had been undercounted due to technical failures with Dominion's machines, or Democratic shenanigans in Fulton County, or Jewish space lasers. Whatever. To conclude that Trump was telling the Georgia SecState, you have to disbelieve what Trump says and make an inference. Here, all you have to do is believe what Trump says.
  6. Saw Fast X. It's almost certainly the worst movie I've seen in the past 20 years.
  7. I disagree here. For the first time in 50 years, the Democrats have an advantage when it comes to the culture wars. Abortion, Guns, Gays--the polling strongly favors the Democrats' position as to all three. And as you look at actual electoral results--see, e.g., the supreme court election in Wisconsin--it's working. So don't get too concerned that you have troglodyte friends who won't drink Bud Light anymore. Just take it as a nudge that you need a better class of friends who never drank Bud Light to begin with.
  8. Abbott is so bad at special sessions. I think he’s probably called a dozen of them as governor. But I can’t think of a single one that went to his satisfaction.
  9. Because the House is much more moderate owing to the difficulties in gerrymandering such small districts. There are 150 house members. In a state of about 30 million people. That means each House district has only about 200,000 people. When the districts are that small, it makes it real tough to do a good gerrymander. One precinct moved to a neighboring district can throw off that district. So they’re not quite clean districts, but they’re a lot more representative of the populace. The Senate only has 31 members. So each senator represents 1 million. That’s a lot easier to gerrymander, and the body represents that. It’s a lot more extreme.
  10. You see, kids—assholery must at all times be met in equal measure with assholery.
  11. Did I decide I needed a cruise on the Galactic Starcruiser? Yep. Is MrsLL all over it? Yep. is she buying a slave-girl Leia outfit for alone time in the cabin? Hell fucking yeah she is.
  12. I was there. Fucking everyone was there, bro. You, me, Matt Stafford, Lucy Pappilon, the A-Chi-Os and the DGs. It was the fucking place to be.
  13. Yeah--I think it was a pretty big reveal that the cell companies could do that. I mean, that's now pretty common knowledge. But it wasn't in the late 1980s.
  14. Daniel Ave. represent! I also grew up two doors down from Matthew Stafford. It was a happening street. He definitely did it. He left a message on the answering machine asking her to go out to the garage because he thought he left the garage door open. In that message, he said he was calling from his "mo-bile phone" at the Perkins Library at SMU. In fact, the cell signal was triangulated and he was a half-block from his house. So obviously he was lying in wait for his wife to come out to the garage to strangle her.
  15. My son had a band concert last night, so I mercifully didn't get to watch a minute of that abortion. Never been so fucking happy that my son is a band nerd.* * He's also a soccer nerd who scored the GWG in the Austin Super Cup Saturday. #notsohumblebrag
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