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Everything posted by Babytime

  1. Is there any reason to take his commitment now?
  2. Can’t be Hamm’s sock. Pictured together.
  3. Was the theater cold to warrant wearing your Raf Simon winter coat?
  4. I went to check this too and saw no names mentioned.
  5. They have to have their class in place before the season. The bloom will off the rose quickly.
  6. I disagree, but I have no hard info to justify my doubt. Is there evidence to support your assertion?
  7. Bragg says he is committing today. https://mobile.twitter.com/bransonbragg72/status/998905106828595200
  8. Brennan Eagles/Travis Scott edit won last year for me.
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/247sports.com/college/lsu/Article/LSUs-31-year-old-GM-Austin-Thomas-is-changing-the-game-52160550/Amp
  10. Yes. EJ blew the kid’s announcement.
  11. From the site who has multiple times blown Richardson’s visits.
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