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Reese Bennett

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Everything posted by Reese Bennett

  1. Ugh. I was in a good mood until I clicked on this thread. Texas is in the playoff, probably getting a stud recruit today, and our rivals are melting down, but we're here wallowing in misery. Hook 'em!
  2. A good QB also hands the ball off. That get's you to 57% you stupid sip.
  3. I vote to get rid of "extra-curricular."
  4. Mid to late, huh? That's pretty good, I guess. Wasn't he high school teammates with a lesser D-lineman who had some schools sniffing around? Wonder what happened to that guy? Oh, yeah, I remember:
  5. I just can't believe we have a state agency responsible for disaster training and response across the state (and with coordinating with the feds and other states) reporting to a college dean and a university chancellor. WTF? Here's what's going to happen: eventually there will be a disaster with an overwhelmingly bad outcome attributable in no small part to the organization and culture of the agency. It will then be reformed and removed from aggy. This is the bonfire stack writ large--it just hasn't collapsed yet.
  6. I still can't believe the state agency responsible for wildland fires and managing state lands is allowed to be called the Texas A&M Forest Service instead of, you know, the Texas Forest Service. In addition to wildland fires, this group of aggys has significant responsibilities for managing other kinds of disasters across the state. Think about that for a second or two. And, of course, on their website, they brag about being headquartered in College Station instead of Austin.
  7. The A and the M are not lined up correctly. Or maybe the T is skewed. Either way, very much an aggy helmet.
  8. "Top" portal. Sure.
  9. In the epic battle of uniforms, I vote for Navy this year.
  10. To be fair, there are always hot girls who choose to not be cheerleaders.
  11. Why are they always thrusting their pelvis out?
  12. I bet he's watching someone else too.
  13. I agree that LB is a luxury take. We've got a difference-maker in Hill, a couple of solid dudes, and a couple of lotto tickets. Always good to have a stable of LBs regardless of experience because they fill key special teams slots. I'm more worried about the coach than the players.
  14. If Leon hangs around The Elk, this will be his future.
  15. Stir fry green beans with soy sauce, sesame seeds, and chicken isn't too bad.
  16. Not yet. We need you to draft a Sark speech that would convince the portal players to come to Longhornland.
  17. Agree. His hiring practices were centered on these things: Will they tell me what I want to hear? Can I yell at them? Can I blame them?
  18. I hope he doesn't drop the ball on this one.
  19. "Go in home." There has to be a better way to phrase that so it doesn't sound kinda like gay sex.
  20. For aggy, it doesn't matter if the Klein-Penn State story is true or not. It's already passed into myth.
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