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Reese Bennett

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Everything posted by Reese Bennett

  1. I think I'll go ahead and put my app in. Is it on Indeed?
  2. Dude's an Ohio State grad from Ohio with family and in-laws in Ohio. It'd be a really tough pull and the next-step title for him would be OC.
  3. Is On Campus Recruiting Coordinator at LSU sort of like a pimp in Compton? Perhaps there were more girls around than just Destiny?
  4. Here's a non-dance scene that is more representative of what's going on.
  5. To be fair, at the end of last year/early last spring, this may have been true. That it is not anymore is a testament to the recruiting efforts and Flood's coaching.
  6. Just watched it. Holy shit. This is the first Indian movie I've ever watched and man, is it violent and funny. Physics professors will hate it but everyone else should take a look. Highly recommend. It's an epic.
  7. Quinn made X's job pretty damn easy on that should have been a TD throw.
  8. Is Surratt related to the basketball coach Gary Surratt?
  9. Carlos needs to come home for a year and prove himself once again. I'd take him as a utility infielder and occasional left fielder and DH.
  10. Isn't the sun always rising and setting? I'm no astronomer, but that's what my Apple Watch says anyway.
  11. That seems plausible based on what happened yesterday, but I was thinking more about the idea that he got a no from Texas and that Notre Dame polled their recruits and turned him down. If that's anywhere close to reality, it sure seems like ou is not getting a guy who really wants to be there.
  12. ou Twitter blowing up about that Denton guy. I thought this was interesting. Whether it is true, well, I have my doubts.
  13. Yeah, I get that Louisville is an Adidas school but why pump them (Kentucky?) up when you could throw money and recruits at Washington and beat your rival's favorite school on the regular? Just seems odd that Louisville, of all places, is the great recipient of Adidas largesse. Edit: I screwed up on the Fud quote post.
  14. So besides Duce, who else is left for the second signing day and are we expected to push for anyone new? Also, if you were a 4 or 5 star with a mercenary streak but not an early enrollee, why wouldn't you wait until Spring when scarcity should theoretically drive your price up with new schools coming after you?
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