Rainier is a threat but the one that is far, far more dangerous is the Cascadia Subduction Zone which could fuck everything up from Northern California to Canada, particularly west of I-5. The geologic record shows 8.7-9.2 earthquakes lasting up to 9 minutes with a major tsunami that has the potential to reach 100 feet or more. The PNW coast will jump/slip 6 feet or more to the west, coastal towns isolated, bridges out, tsunami hitting Puget Sound and bouncing around a few times while running up the Columbia--it's bad news all around and the response will overwhelm this country.
It's a quiet front as pressure just builds and builds with minor deep tremors miles out in the ocean until it moves in a big way. Decent chance only the southern half goes though the whole thing is not at all out of the question. These earthquakes happen every 300-500 years with the last one being in 1700 as documented by the tsunami records in Japan. Speaking of Japan, The CSZ is the same kind of megathrust earthquake they experienced in 2011 but will be across a much greater area.
(Discovery Bay geology shows the past 6 tsunami deposits over the last 2500 years.)
Anyway, Washington's a great school and has a great campus in a cool location, but fuck 'em when they play Texas.