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Reese Bennett

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Everything posted by Reese Bennett

  1. Surprised aggy is not in it, given Patton's fake quote about winning wars with aggy types.
  2. Thread is slowing down, but it will never stop.
  3. Just catching up and yep, the trolls will soon be a problem. Most of the Ir8te fans are smart enough to know they are too stupid to get on here and the ones that do and manage to hang around are mostly decent sorts. I'm afraid the vast majority of the SECrant crowd is too dumb to know how stupid they are and will inundate us with goofy bullshit.
  4. Bezos made $9 million in the minute it took me to look that up and post it here. I'm not sure he needs another million. (No CR)
  5. How can these supposedly savvy sportswriters not recognize that the word “however” is doing a lot of work in the Texas/OU joint statement? Idiots all.
  6. Now hold on here. I was the first one to make that joke. Me. I was the one. No others are allowed to make that joke. I have over 1,000 rep points and deserve some respect. But no, you people who I once thought were my friends just let some little brother ne'er-do-well johnny-come-lately follow ME to the same joke and nobody comes to my defense? Nobody asks, "What about Reese Bennett's feelings?" I've even started threads on this board and this is the thanks I get? I've invested almost 975 posts here and this is how little you care? I won't stand for it. If I don't get sole rights to that joke in this thread, civilization will crumble and Texas will lie in ruins. I also want that other guy booted out pronto, damn it! I have to warn all of you to expect a sternly worded letter shortly. I might even make a phone call or two. In addition, I'm sure all my new Surly buddies will read this, see the wrong that has been committed, and come to my defense--including my imaginary friends in the state legislature. Surly Horns will rue the day. Rue the day, I say. --72 hours later-- Uh, yeah, just got carried away there. Please don't neg me anymore. I was just joking. I love being here. Best group of fans anywhere, right? Ha, ha. Never wanted to be on another board. I'm just fine with everyone making that joke. Really. The more the merrier I always say. Oh, and I promise to laugh at every joke about South Austin's mom too. Those are always so original. In fact, I think Linda Livingstone is South Austin's mom. Ha, ha. We're good now aren't we? Pretty please?
  7. We'll be magnanimous and put it in Longview or Beaumont for the eastern schools.
  8. The PAC news is great. Fuck baylor, fuck frog. But mostly, fuck baylor.
  9. Well, this will certainly make the dumb rich kids from Texas that end up at Ole Miss happy.
  10. Well, if he wants to stay close to home it makes sense. From Evanston, IL to UNC is only about 800 miles while it is about 1,100 to Austin. One's a long day's drive while the other is 4 hours more.
  11. As long as he adds volume scoring and detangles the defensive rotations.
  12. It will keep aggy from doing the same and make them rage about it. Hell, if we take TEXAS off the front of our jersey aggy would do it...with a tiny Agricultural & Maintenance logo below. Thats reason enough for me. Point taken. Fucking aggy.
  13. Shadow Texas makes me think of a Rolls Royce with vanity plates--not necessary and actually detracts. We are the University of TEXAS Longhorns playing in Austin, TEXAS. Shadow Texas seems redundant and just clutters up an iconic field. It's not like we're one of those states that nobody knows the shape of like the blob that is South Carolina or weird-ass West Virginia. Everyone knows the shape of Texas. It's on everything from ranch gates to convenience stores. We already know we're from Texas.
  14. I loathe Bud Adams and I feel anger towards anyone defending him. Fuck that guy. Stalin, Hitler, and Bud Adams are in a room and you've got a gun with two bullets. What do you do? Shoot Bud Adams twice. The only thing I regret is that Tennessee didn't win a Super Bowl the day after he died. Fuck that guy.
  15. Well, I for one am glad we now have a plural in the endzone. I mean, Bijan is good but it might be too much to expect him to go 1 on 11.
  16. I feel like we're a bunch of Frenchie limp-dicks standing on the Maginot Line. Yes sir boys, we've got a winning plan. Let's just sit here and wait for success to come to us. They'll never think to just go through Belgium.
  17. Squad 1 plays the first 10 minutes of each half and Squad A plays the last 10 minutes.
  18. Well, at this rate Oregon will have to process Big Cam so maybe we can get him on the rebound. Furk.
  19. Ugh. The University of Virginia is a public university and is the flagship university of the state of Virginia. It's called a Public Ivy for a reason. It is not private. Being founded by Thomas Jefferson, it certainly is not a church school either. They've also recently won national championships in basketball and baseball.
  20. I thought through another report we were told it was an offensive lineman. What offensive linemen are on the Leadership Council?
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