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Reese Bennett

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Everything posted by Reese Bennett

  1. A KC Chief is not playing this year because of COVID issues. He's a starting guard and an MD. https://twitter.com/LaurentDTardif/status/1286839610727976965?s=20
  2. I want Sweat to knock heads with regularity. Goal line D should be formidable with him and Coburn on the inside. I also think it would be cool to get to at least 950.
  3. Of course, they are mostly screwed by having Arizona on one side and Texas on the other.
  4. Arkansas is not on our schedule. UT is Texas, Tennessee is Tennessee. Shame! Shame!
  5. Chuck thinks there will be bowls. That’s hilarious.
  6. Washington Patent Clerks Washington Librarians Washington Statues Washington Apparatchiks Washington Archivists Washington Tour Buses Washington Smithsonians Washington Circles Washington Adams-Morgans Washington Bike Paths
  7. At this point, Foster should just pick the best track school--which is Texas--and concentrate on throwing. When the COVID-19 shit is over, he can come back to football. (The most recent shot/discus/hammer Olympian from Oregon was in 1992.)
  8. Plus, you don't normally think of defensive players putting up insane numbers.
  9. If you play it without crowds and have to move it, play it somewhere it will never be played under normal circumstances like a good high school stadium.
  10. Texas State Fair has been cancelled. https://bigtex.com/
  11. If (when) the season is cancelled, recruiting will be wild as offers will have to be made to sophomores and juniors without a sophomore or junior season. At some point, the negative recruiting will also have to get around to a university's viability as 2-3 semesters of no sports and no or very few students on campus will sink the finances of some schools.
  12. So looch had an article ready to go 7 minutes after the NCAA announced the penalties?
  13. University of Arizona just announced it will not reopen to students. The comments to this tweet are worth a glance.
  14. Morehouse just pulled the plug on football and all fall sports.
  15. I bet he kicks ass at Dance Dance Revolution.
  16. Still way too many unknowns about the long-term effects of this virus. According to this article, asymptomatic patients still had lung scarring and there is potential for infertility, among many other things. I don’t see how we can expect football this year unless we are all willing to shut down, mask up, and bend the curve to where testing, tracing, and isolation is overwhelmingly effective. So, yeah, I’m not optimistic. https://www.vox.com/2020/5/8/21251899/coronavirus-long-term-effects-symptoms
  17. The comments on that tweet are hilarious, especially the people who don't know anything about aggy. And don't forget about jawja when talking sec.
  18. The line of condemnation should at a minimum be drawn at 1968, but I'm not opposed to pushing it back another decade or more, like to 1954. The worst are the guys who only drop an N bomb in hushed tones to other whites assuming that because someone is white they are OK with it, even if they are a kid--insidious bitches trying to impress upon kids that all white adults talk that way. Fuck those guys. I knew too many of them growing up in the late 60's/early 70's and they rarely change. And fuck the Utah guy too.
  19. So what’s the intel? Or is it just clickbait?
  20. Good character guys often come with above average intelligence, as befitting the University of Texas. It's no surprise current and former Longhorn players are prominently engaged in the national conversation. I'm good with Eagles. Let's make some needed changes and do our best to make them both positive and lasting.
  21. I don’t like this spur designation. They should call it rocket.
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