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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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About Degenerate Gardner

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  1. While fitting, you ain’t seen nothing yet. There is no bottom.
  2. it speaks poorly of me that I didn’t have Failing Gaza Casino on my 2025 bingo card.
  3. Jordan was afraid of Hakeem, relatively speaking.
  4. And inviolate. I'm not a Christian dude, despite whatnot. I still challenge you to differentiate Trump and the antichrist. Yes
  5. If I could award you with a simultaneous drool and vomit emoji, that would be forthcoming.
  6. He will be an arch nemesis for our foes. I can’t believe I give this stuff away for free.
  7. Watch the plane crash video for a metaphorical representation.
  8. Any chance he has skills as a post player? Our basketball team is all about Hero ball.
  9. Sorry man. I won’t insult you with “God’s plan”nonsense that folks often feel compelled to offer. I will say, as a guy who lost both of my parents to cancer in college, that I’m thankful you had a long life together. Feel the pain. Good on you for sharing it here. I’m certain your pops was very proud of you.
  10. It will certainly make drowning the government in the bathtub more manageable.
  11. Maybe, just maybe, “He hates who I hate” is not an effective way to determine how you vote.
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