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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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About Degenerate Gardner

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  1. Texas would absolutely win the NC with Chase Daniels. Arch is a similar player.
  2. I’ve come to wonder if it’s a ‘maybe a coordinator’ situation, though obviously he wouldn’t accept demotion. Sark’s highest and best in-game use may be OC.
  3. Sark should have to do 1000 hours of community service for this abomination. Pick up roadside trash with convicts, a prison Mike bandanna, the whole thing.
  4. Sark should refuse any contractually obligated bowl incentive pay after this shitshow. Awful and confused performance on offense.
  5. Too late. Sark obviously is going with Ewers unless he’s incapacitated.
  6. Arch coming out to start the next drive would please me greatly. Now’s the time for change of pace.
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