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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. Listen to Jimmy about what? His opinion differs. That’s fine. This is a CR football thread where sports and politics intersect, so I shared my personal reflection on the two. I don’t need to be right or to convince you of anything. I freely acknowledge that it’s not totally a rational stance, thus the lack of metrics, links, or maps to bolster my case. This issue is more gut level. Furthermore, I’m not patting myself on the back or claiming Texas is different. I’m not sure where you get that. I was born a Texan but moved from Austin to the pacific NW nearly a decade ago, in large part due to dissatisfaction with Texas government. There’s actually some sadness that I don’t look forward to the start of college football season like I once did. Truth be told, I’ve been drifting from interest in big dollar sports for a while. Pro sports were first to go. There was a time I’d be ruined for days by UT losses. I’ve grown to think that is a silly misapplication of my energy. The desire not to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Deep South every Saturday is just another brick in the wall.
  2. Largely symbolic, partly pragmatic, mostly meaningless to to anyone except me. I resent UT tourist dollars flowing to bastions of MAGA. I have no metrics to offer you as validation.
  3. This year could be good but it feels like a swan song for me. I’m not about consorting with SEC MAGA on a regular basis.
  4. Hell, I can’t even fathom that Barack Hussein Obama held the office not once but twice. I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me.
  5. No offense, but you sound like someone foolishly underestimating the threat posed by quail. Do you not know that by biblical passage, or something?
  6. Commie is just another blunt epithet to the right like woke or socialist. It means nothing more to them than they don’t like it. Apparently we’re not only in a post truth era, we’re post semantics, which is right in line with goals to dismantle the Department of Education.
  7. I know nothing about their endowment, but Chaminade better be sending something.
  8. Did the good pastor speak truth about this trend to the flock or silently kowtow to keeping butts in the seats? Or did they just talk about it in the pastors’ sewing circle? Granted, alienating the audience isn’t ideal when Christianity is on the ropes in the US, but this reality must be confronted. It’s an existential crisis for the US. You want to stay culturally relevant? Call out the elephant in the room. The adage of keeping politics out of churches is a charade when identity politics permeates everything.
  9. I don’t. Pretty sure mop was the inspiration for the Ignore feature.
  10. A. France wouldn’t want him B. Trump doesn’t know how to relax Aside from that, it’s super rhetoric from the guy who tried a domestic coup in recent memory.
  11. Bothsiderism nicely encapsulated here. ‘They’re both the same therefore I only vote for one of them’.
  12. Although not so much in film, Phil Hartman was the ultimate glue guy character actor extraordinaire on SNL.
  13. Because their party has a very short term horizon where America’s best interests aren't a genuine part of the calculus. It’s about self enrichment and naked ambition. Nothing else.
  14. Choosing to rely on a straw man makes your argument appear weak. People have unrealistic expectations for 5 stars, sure, but that’s not limited to Surly. Go back and you’ll find some disappointment along with acknowledgment of the flashes and recognition that Arterio was competing with a stacked, experienced backcourt.
  15. Perry seems to have purchased the Matlock ensemble to appeal to olds. It worked.
  16. I wish they were merely indifferent to Trump’s threatening statements. Nope, MAGA eats that shit up and views it as the alpha ideal. There’s no fixing their broken thinking when rational introspection is never on the playlist.
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