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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. If the musical had been Dogs, Trump never would have listened. I wonder if he has any favorites from Hedwig?
  2. Donning paper bags would afford no Covid protection, but just the same I sure would appreciate it. TIA.
  3. Half of America needs to be tied to a chair and strenuously deprogrammed. NBD, this is fine.
  4. When that happens, the deniers will pivot to blaming liberals and it will work perfectly on an audience trained not to think critically while ignoring what their ears heard. The past is alterable. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
  5. Mike and Carol should have heeded all those warnings about pigtails causing brain damage. The signs were there.
  6. There was a time that performance would have made me concerned for the well-being of America’s Mayor.
  7. LMAO:nuance; Texas O-line:blocking It’s like learning Sex Ed from a celibate priest. Do go on though.
  8. 16 pts isn’t an insurmountable hole in today’s college football. We just need to fine tune the offense, defense and special teams.
  9. That’s the hub of America’s prostate checking industry.
  10. This hits close to home. I’ve never quite gotten over the loss of the Frito Bandito in my life.
  11. And your argument is similar to what Babayaga undoubtedly spouted back in the heady days of 9/11: where are the good Muslims? It was lazy, careless talk then as it is now.
  12. Some people are the worst. Some of those people are Christians. Some people are really good. Some of those people are Christians. Everyone’s got to have someone to despise, I get that. The loudly self proclaimed Christians attract a lot of attention and do harm to the nation, world and Christianity itself. Just try not to identify that someone using simplistic narratives and we’ll all be better off.
  13. I considered satanism but was turned off by all the W.A.S.P. music.
  14. Not a fan of Presidents calling for investigations of Supreme Court decisions.
  15. Is Tahoe in Tahoe? Or on donut duty?
  16. When your nominal leader perceives that he only benefits from dividing the People and is only capable of caring about his own interests, you’re gonna have a bad time.
  17. Jesus fish are the original virtue signaling. I follow your same strategy with contractors. Faith should be evident or you’re doing it wrong.
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