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Degenerate Gardner

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. PSA: Season 7 is available on Prime. For me anyway. I’m watching it now.
  2. I was out on National Forest roads last week walking my dogs and smelled smoke, only to find smoking embers from a carelessly abandoned campfire. This happens all the time. In a state that saw record wildfires a year ago. At the risk of understatement, common sense is not a reliable mechanism.
  3. It’s gonna get even more muddled when MTG renames her CrossFit franchise the Active Shooter.
  4. I’d settle for the GQP acknowledging reality. Of Covid, the traitorous January insurrection and other truths incompatible with their unreality. Regrettably that’s a big ask because we have cottage industries actively sewing domestic discord. Address that and avoid gallows, inshallah.
  5. Thankfully the better part of me has won out, set aside petty resentment and silently stuck it in the dishwasher myself. So far.
  6. When my mother in law uses a knife to spread butter or what have you, she leaves it on the counter because she doesn’t want to dirty another knife for some as yet unforeseen moment when a knife is again needed. On the upside, I always know where to find a dirty knife with dubious origins: on the kitchen counter.
  7. Little g is a deplorable ginger and traitor just like his dad, but we do finally agree on something. It’s preferable that he stay in Russia.
  8. Makes sense. June in the valley offers ideal wall touring weather.
  9. Bill Maher seems like a miserable person. If I had to spend that much time with him, I probably would be too.
  10. Funny you mention this, Allen. I actually just spoke with god. They think you’re a real asshole.
  11. I don’t say this often, but that guy’s on crack.
  12. I saw him at the Woodlands pavilion back in the day. Miller was the main draw to me, but most patrons seemed to be there for Howie Mandel later in the show. Never would have guessed Dennis would one day be less funny than the jackass who inflated surgical gloves on his head. Well done, Chachi.
  13. God help us if he’d tried to make a yellow cake with it.
  14. He made Hakeem look like a very active, elusive child in stature. RIP. Karl Malone can suck it though. Billy Paultz too, that bastard.
  15. It could happen. What wouldn’t you want unsaid?
  16. What you don’t understand is that Hillary Clinton will never be President!!! In seriousness, props to you all who are able to continue discussing this. The R’s concerted strategy of avoiding accountability and denying reality sickens but doesn’t surprise me. I don’t know how many times and ways to say ‘we’re in a really dark place and the light’s getting dimmer’. Hope never dies, though. I hope.
  17. Tolerating MTG’s unhinged bullying attempts should have ended on Jan 6. MTG’s incapable of stopping herself and it will only get worse without intervention. If GOP leadership had spine or a soul it would be a swell time to show it and further marginalize that female dog.
  18. A poster on this board recently called depression a weakness (I won’t name names because I now have them on Ignore and it would serve no point). That fruits of that attitude contribute to so much needless death and suffering. I know we’re all encouraged as Americans to have strong opinions about everything, but just maybe, know whereof you speak. Or don’t. Listen and learn.
  19. You omit the gay teletubby at your own peril.
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